manhattan in environment
manhattan in environment
manhattan in environment
manhattan against white background


Rye Whiskey, Vermut Dolce, Amari, Ciliegia

4 from 670 votes


Come mixare

Riempire con cubetti di ghiaccio un miscelatore. Aggiungere tutti gli ingredienti. Mescolare e filtrare in un bicchiere da cocktail ghiacciato. Decorare con un ciliegia.

'Ciò che non sai sul drink Manhattan

The whiskey-based Manhattan is one of five cocktails named for one of New York City's five boroughs, but is perhaps most closely related to the Brooklyn cocktail, a mix utilizing dry vermouth and Maraschino liqueur in place of the Manhattan's sweet vermouth, as well as Amer Picon in place of the Manhattan's traditional bitters. It is one of six basic drinks listed in David A. Embury's classic The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks.

Valuta la ricetta

Rye Whiskey Vermut Dolce Amari Ciliegia