ramos gin fizz in environment
ramos gin fizz in environment
ramos gin fizz in environment
ramos gin fizz against white background

Ramos Gin Fizz

Gin, Panna, Sciroppo, Succo Di Limone, Succo Di Lime, Acqua Di Fiori D’arancio, Albume, Soda, Orange Zest

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Come mixare

Riempire con cubetti di ghiaccio uno shaker boston. Aggiungere gin, panna, sciroppo, succo di limone, succo di lime, acqua di fiori d’arancio e albume. Agitare e filtrare in un bicchiere highball ghiacciato. Completare con soda. Decorare con orange zest.

'Ciò che non sai sul drink Ramos Gin Fizz

Henry C. Ramos invented the Ramos Gin Fizz in 1888 at his bar, the Imperial Cabinet Saloonin on Gravier Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. It was originally called the New Orleans Fizz, and is one of the city's most famous cocktails. Before Prohibition, the bar was known to have over 20 bartenders working at once, making nothing but the Ramos Gin Fizz - and still struggling to keep up with the demand. During the carnival of 1915, 32 staff were on at once, just to shake the drink. The drink's long mixing time (12 minutes) made it a very time consuming cocktail to produce.

Valuta la ricetta

Gin Panna Sciroppo Succo Di Limone Succo Di Lime Acqua Di Fiori D’arancio Albume Soda Orange Zest