Drinks und Cocktails in einem Highballglas

Dieses Glas wird auch als Longdrink- oder Collins-Glas bezeichnet. Das Highballglas ist heutzutage wahrscheinlich die am häufigsten verwendete Art eines Glases. Es fasst in der Regel 200 ml und wird für viele "normale" Drinks verwendet wie Vodka Tonic und ABSOLUT RUBY Seabreeze.

absolut bloody mary in environmentabsolut bloody mary in environment

Absolut Bloody Mary

Absolut Bloody Mary

Absolut Vodka, Tomatensaft, Meerrettich, Tabasco, Worcestershire-sauce, Zitronensaft, Zitrone, Sellerie

michelada in environmentmichelada in environment



Tomatensaft, Limettensaft, Chili Lime Seasoning, Tabasco, Soy Sauce, Bier, Limette

firework in environmentfirework in environment



Absolut Vodka, Limonade, Eistee, Limette

so sunrise in environmentso sunrise in environment

So Sunrise

So Sunrise

Absolut Vodka, Orangensaft, Grenadine, Orange

bloody caesar against white backgroundbloody caesar against white background

Bloody Caesar

Bloody Caesar

Absolut Vodka, Clamato, Tabasco, Worcestershire-sauce, Sellerie, Zitrone

absolut watermelon sodaabsolut watermelon soda

Absolut Watermelon Soda

Absolut Watermelon Soda

Absolut Watermelon, Sodawasser, Wassermelone, Limette

gin buck in environmentgin buck in environment

Gin Buck

Gin Buck

Gin, Ginger Ale, Zitrone

absolut watermelon and lemon-lime soda in environmentabsolut watermelon and lemon-lime soda in environment

Absolut Watermelon and Lemon-lime soda

Absolut Watermelon and Lemon-lime soda

Absolut Watermelon, Zitronenlimonade, Wassermelone, Limette

absolut cranberry in environmentabsolut cranberry in environment

Absolut Cranberry

Absolut Cranberry

Absolut Vodka, Cranberrysaft, Limette

rum-tonic in environmentrum-tonic in environment



gereifter kubanischer Rum, Tonic Water, Limette

arnold palmer in environmentarnold palmer in environment

Arnold Palmer

Arnold Palmer

Eistee, Limonade, Zitrone

absolut watermelon and cokeabsolut watermelon and coke

Absolut Watermelon and Coke

Absolut Watermelon and Coke

Absolut Watermelon, Cola, Limette, Wassermelone

tom collins in environmenttom collins in environment

Tom Collins

Tom Collins

Gin, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Sodawasser, Kirsche, Zitrone

absolut watermelon fizzy punch in environmentabsolut watermelon fizzy punch in environment

Absolut Watermelon Fizzy Punch

Absolut Watermelon Fizzy Punch

Absolut Watermelon, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Wassermelone, Sodawasser, Minze

absolut peppar bloody mary in environmentabsolut peppar bloody mary in environment

Absolut Peppar Bloody Mary

Absolut Peppar Bloody Mary

Absolut Peppar, Tomatensaft, Tabasco, Worcestershire-sauce, Zitronensaft, Limettensaft, Gemahlener Schwarzer Pfeffer, Salz, Sellerie, Zitrone

melon ball in environmentmelon ball in environment

Melon Ball

Melon Ball

Absolut Vodka, Melonenlikör, Ananassaft, Melone

the greyhound in environmentthe greyhound in environment

The Greyhound

The Greyhound

Absolut Grapefruit, Grapefruitsaft, Grapefruitschale

grapefruit and tonic in environmentgrapefruit and tonic in environment

Grapefruit And Tonic

Grapefruit And Tonic

Absolut Grapefruit, Tonic Water, Grapefruit

vanilla rain in environmentvanilla rain in environment

Vanilla Rain

Vanilla Rain

Absolut Vanilia, Limettensaft, Zitronenlimonade, Limette

absolut punch in environmentabsolut punch in environment

Absolut Punch

Absolut Punch

Absolut Mandrin, Ananassaft, Cranberrysaft, Ginger Ale, Zitrone, Limette

fuzzy navel in environmentfuzzy navel in environment

Fuzzy Navel

Fuzzy Navel

Orangensaft, Pfirsichschnaps, Pfirsich

absolut vanilia in the sky in environmentabsolut vanilia in the sky in environment

Absolut Vanilia In The Sky

Absolut Vanilia In The Sky

Absolut Vanilia, Himbeere, Zitronenlimonade, Limette

malibu bridgetown breeze against white backgroundmalibu bridgetown breeze against white background

Malibu Bridgetown Breeze

Malibu Bridgetown Breeze

Malibu, Litschisaft, Guavensaft, Limette

cupid’s cocktail against white backgroundcupid’s cocktail against white background

Cupid’s Cocktail

Cupid’s Cocktail

Orangensaft, Kirschlikör, Pfirsichschnaps, Maraschino-kirsche, Orange

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