gin fizz in environment
gin fizz against white background

Gin Fizz

Gin, Succo Di Limone, Sciroppo, Soda, Limone, Fogliolina Di Menta

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Come mixare

Riempire con cubetti di ghiaccio uno shaker boston. Aggiungere gin, succo di limone e sciroppo. Agitare e filtrare in un bicchiere highball ghiacciato. Completare con soda. Decorare con limone e fogliolina di menta.

'Ciò che non sai sul drink Gin Fizz

The first printed reference to a fizz (spelled "fiz") is in the 1887 edition of Jerry Thomas' Bartender's Guide, which contains six fizz recipes. The Fizz became widely popular in America between 1900 and the 1940s. Known as a hometown specialty of New Orleans, the Gin Fizz was so popular that bars would employ scrums of bartenders working in teams that would take turns shaking the fizzes. Demand for fizzes went international as evidenced by the inclusion of the cocktail in the French cookbook L'Art Culinaire Francais published in 1950.

Valuta la ricetta

Gin Succo Di Limone Sciroppo Soda Limone Fogliolina Di Menta