Bebidas e coquetéis com Rum

Rum is a spirit made from fermented and distilled sugarcane molasses or juice. The distillate is then aged in oak barrels for varying amounts of time, giving them a lighter or darker color. Typically, Light Rum is more common in cocktails while darker ones are usually consumed neat or on the rocks. In home bartending, we use Rum to make fresh, fruity, and exotic cocktails like the Mojito, Cuba Libre, and Zombie.

rum collins against white backgroundrum collins against white background

Rum Collins

Rum Collins

Rum envelhecido do tipo cubano, Água com gás, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Limão

citrus rum cooler against white backgroundcitrus rum cooler against white background

Citrus Rum Cooler

Citrus Rum Cooler

Rum claro, Suco de laranja, Limonada, Triple Sec, Suco de Limão, Laranja, Limão

calypso coffee de lux against white backgroundcalypso coffee de lux against white background

Calypso Coffee de Lux

Calypso Coffee de Lux

Rum envelhecido do tipo cubano, Café, Creme de leite, Licor de cacau preto

fidel castro against white backgroundfidel castro against white background

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro

Rum envelhecido do tipo cubano, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Suco de Limão, Limão

planter’s punch in environmentplanter’s punch in environment

Planter’s Punch

Planter’s Punch

Rum escuro da Jamaica, Suco de Limão, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Groselha, Folha de hortelã

spiced rum punch against white backgroundspiced rum punch against white background

Spiced Rum Punch

Spiced Rum Punch

Rum condimentado, Compota de pera, Licor de mirtilo, Champanhe, Pera

yo ho against white backgroundyo ho against white background

Yo Ho

Yo Ho

Rum claro, Limoncello, Refrigerante de Limão, Limão

yellow bird martini against white backgroundyellow bird martini against white background

Yellow Bird Martini

Yellow Bird Martini

Rum envelhecido do tipo cubano, Brandy de damasco, Suco de Limão, Suco de abacaxi, Licor de banana, Licor Galliano, Banana

summer seen against white backgroundsummer seen against white background

Summer Seen

Summer Seen

Rum claro, Suco de manga, Suco de abacaxi, Cordial de Limão, Curaçao Blue, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Manga

frozen mango and mint spiced daiquiri against white backgroundfrozen mango and mint spiced daiquiri against white background

Frozen Mango And Mint Spiced Daiquiri

Frozen Mango And Mint Spiced Daiquiri

Rum condimentado, Compota de manga, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples, Manga, Folha de hortelã

harbour light against white backgroundharbour light against white background

Harbour Light

Harbour Light

Tequila , Conhaque, Overproof rum, Licor Kahlúa

caipirissima against white backgroundcaipirissima against white background



Rum claro, Xarope simples, Limão

coconut grove against white backgroundcoconut grove against white background

Coconut Grove

Coconut Grove

Rum claro, Creme de coco, Suco de laranja

peary afternoon in environmentpeary afternoon in environment

Peary Afternoon

Peary Afternoon

Absolut Pears, Rum escuro da Jamaica, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Licor de baunilha, Bebida tipo Bitter, Melão

mississippi against white backgroundmississippi against white background



Rum claro, Uísque de centeio, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples

basil-mint mojito against white backgroundbasil-mint mojito against white background

Basil-mint Mojito

Basil-mint Mojito

Rum claro, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples, Manjericão, Limão, Folha de hortelã, Água com gás

nacional de cuba against white backgroundnacional de cuba against white background

Nacional de Cuba

Nacional de Cuba

Rum claro, Brandy de damasco, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples, Limão

el jardinero against white backgroundel jardinero against white background

El Jardinero

El Jardinero

Rum claro, Sambuca, Suco de Limão

lady violet against white backgroundlady violet against white background

Lady Violet

Lady Violet

Absolut Vodka, Vermute seco, Rum claro, Gim, Raspas de limão, Cereja marrasquino

london iced tea against white backgroundlondon iced tea against white background

London Iced Tea

London Iced Tea

Rum claro, Gim, Rum condimentado, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Amaretto, Cola, Limão

paradiso against white backgroundparadiso against white background



Rum envelhecido do tipo cubano, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Amaretto, Compota de pêssego branco

havana club against white backgroundhavana club against white background

Havana Club

Havana Club

Vermute seco, Rum claro, Cereja marrasquino

bishop against white backgroundbishop against white background



Rum claro, Vinho tinto, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples

sweet dream against white backgroundsweet dream against white background

Sweet Dream

Sweet Dream

Rum claro, Gim, Brandy de damasco, Suco de abacaxi, Cereja marrasquino