Bebidas e coquetéis com Xerez

Embora originário da Espanha, o sherry agora é feito no mundo todo. É um vinho fortalecido, mas normalmente seco. Bom com iguarias temperadas e não tão estranho em receitas quanto se poderia pensar.

venetian beauty against white backgroundvenetian beauty against white background

Venetian Beauty

Venetian Beauty

Uísque escocês, Brandy de cereja, Xerez, Cereja marrasquino, Abacaxi

brandy fino against white backgroundbrandy fino against white background

Brandy Fino

Brandy Fino

Conhaque, Licor de uísque/mel , Xerez, Cereja marrasquino, Laranja

golden bell against white backgroundgolden bell against white background

Golden Bell

Golden Bell

Gim, Xerez, Bebida tipo Bitter

desert against white backgrounddesert against white background



Gim, Xerez, Suco de laranja, Cereja marrasquino

tidbit against white backgroundtidbit against white background



Gim, Sorvete de baunilha, Xerez, Cereja marrasquino

bamboo against white backgroundbamboo against white background



Vermute seco, Xerez, Licor amargo de laranja, Laranja

barcelona against white backgroundbarcelona against white background



Conhaque, Creme de leite, Suco de laranja, Xarope simples, Xerez, Triple Sec

roc-a-coe against white backgroundroc-a-coe against white background



Gim, Xerez, Cereja

inga against white backgroundinga against white background



Vermute seco, Gim, Xerez, Vermute, doce, Xarope de amêndoas de orchata, Licor amargo de laranja

three thirds against white backgroundthree thirds against white background

Three Thirds

Three Thirds

Absolut Vodka, Dubonnet, Xerez, Limão

tattoo special against white backgroundtattoo special against white background

Tattoo Special

Tattoo Special

Uísque escocês, Xerez, Licor de uísque/mel

quarter deck no. 2 against white backgroundquarter deck no. 2 against white background

Quarter Deck No. 2

Quarter Deck No. 2

Rum escuro da Jamaica, Uísque escocês, Licor amargo de laranja, Xarope simples, Xerez

belmont breeze against white backgroundbelmont breeze against white background

Belmont Breeze

Belmont Breeze

Uísque de centeio, Suco de laranja, Xerez, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Água com gás, Limão, Folha de hortelã, Morango

up to date against white backgroundup to date against white background

Up To Date

Up To Date

Bourbon, Xerez, Triple Sec, Bebida tipo Bitter, Raspas de limão

morning star against white backgroundmorning star against white background

Morning Star

Morning Star

Rum claro, Xerez, Xarope simples, Gema de ovo

whispers-of-the-frost against white backgroundwhispers-of-the-frost against white background



Bourbon, Vinho do Porto tinto, Xerez, Xarope simples, Raspas de limão, Laranja

white slave against white backgroundwhite slave against white background

White Slave

White Slave

Gim, Xerez, Clara de ovos, Champanhe

stanford cocktail, the against white backgroundstanford cocktail, the against white background

Stanford Cocktail, The

Stanford Cocktail, The

Conhaque, Xerez, Bebida tipo Bitter

sherry cobbler against white backgroundsherry cobbler against white background

Sherry Cobbler

Sherry Cobbler

Xerez, Curaçao de laranja, Raspas de limão, Cordial de Limão, Licor amargo de laranja, Morango, Folha de hortelã, Cereja marrasquino, Laranja

captain kidd against white backgroundcaptain kidd against white background

Captain Kidd

Captain Kidd

Rum escuro da Jamaica, Bourbon, Xerez, Xarope simples, Licor amargo de laranja

hotcha against white backgroundhotcha against white background



Rum claro, Xerez

balm against white backgroundbalm against white background



Xerez, Triple Sec, Suco de laranja, Licor amargo de laranja

hunter’s moon against white backgroundhunter’s moon against white background

Hunter’s Moon

Hunter’s Moon

Gim, Vermute seco, Xerez, Azeitonas verdes, Raspas de limão

château de fenis against white backgroundchâteau de fenis against white background

Château de Fenis

Château de Fenis

Gim, Xerez, Licor de cassis