Bevande e cocktail con Soda

Indispensabile. Acqua tonica, acqua frizzante, seltzer - la soda ha molti nomi. Preparatela da voi con l’aiuto di un sifone da cucina.

mind eraser shot in environmentmind eraser shot in environment

Mind Eraser Shot

Mind Eraser Shot

Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa, Soda

delicious sour against white backgrounddelicious sour against white background

Delicious Sour

Delicious Sour

Apricot Brandy, Calvados, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Albume, Soda, Mela

brandy cooler against white backgroundbrandy cooler against white background

Brandy Cooler

Brandy Cooler

Cognac, Soda, Arancia

absolut citron lime and limeabsolut citron lime and lime

Absolut Citron Lime and Lime

Absolut Citron Lime and Lime

Absolut Citron, Cordiale al lime, Succo di lime, Soda, Lime

pure yoga against white backgroundpure yoga against white background

Pure Yoga

Pure Yoga

Absolut Vodka, Soda, Limone

golden fizz against white backgroundgolden fizz against white background

Golden Fizz

Golden Fizz

Gin, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Tuorlo, Soda

chartreuse daisy against white backgroundchartreuse daisy against white background

Chartreuse Daisy

Chartreuse Daisy

Cognac, Chartreuse verde, Succo di limone, Soda, Ciliegia al maraschino

absolut cilantro rickey against white backgroundabsolut cilantro rickey against white background

Absolut Cilantro Rickey

Absolut Cilantro Rickey

Absolut Cilantro, Soda, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Cordiale al lime

crawdaddy against white backgroundcrawdaddy against white background



Absolut Vodka, Soda, Limonata, Limone

absolut kurant apple cooler against white backgroundabsolut kurant apple cooler against white background

Absolut Kurant Apple Cooler

Absolut Kurant Apple Cooler

Absolut Kurant, Succo di mela, Soda, Liquore alla mora, Lime

belmont breeze against white backgroundbelmont breeze against white background

Belmont Breeze

Belmont Breeze

Rye Whiskey, Succo d’arancia, Sherry, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Soda, Limone, Fogliolina di menta, Fragola

victoria highball against white backgroundvictoria highball against white background

Victoria Highball

Victoria Highball

Granatina, Pastis, Soda

remsen cooler against white backgroundremsen cooler against white background

Remsen Cooler

Remsen Cooler

Scotch Whisky, Soda, Limone

ruby fizz against white backgroundruby fizz against white background

Ruby Fizz

Ruby Fizz

Succo di limone, Succo di lamponi, Albume, Soda

l.o smith punch against white backgroundl.o smith punch against white background

L.O Smith Punch

L.O Smith Punch

Absolut Vodka, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Fragola, Soda

green hat against white backgroundgreen hat against white background

Green Hat

Green Hat

Gin, Chartreuse verde, Soda

free silver against white backgroundfree silver against white background

Free Silver

Free Silver

Gin (old Tom), Rum scuro di tipo giamaicano, Latte, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Soda

absolut hibiskus lemonade against white backgroundabsolut hibiskus lemonade against white background

Absolut Hibiskus Lemonade

Absolut Hibiskus Lemonade

Absolut Hibiskus, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Soda, Limone

long tom cooler against white backgroundlong tom cooler against white background

Long Tom Cooler

Long Tom Cooler

Gin (old Tom), Soda, Limone

hock cup against white backgroundhock cup against white background

Hock Cup

Hock Cup

Vino bianco, Soda, Succo d’ananas, Maraschino, Succo d’arancia, Arancia, Ananas

absolut grape soda against white backgroundabsolut grape soda against white background

Absolut Grape Soda

Absolut Grape Soda

Absolut Gräpe, Soda, Succo di lime, Lime, Uva

absolut wild mojito against white backgroundabsolut wild mojito against white background

Absolut Wild Mojito

Absolut Wild Mojito

Absolut Wild Tea, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Fogliolina di menta, Soda

mind eraser in environmentmind eraser in environment

Mind Eraser

Mind Eraser

Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa, Soda

claret fizz against white backgroundclaret fizz against white background

Claret Fizz

Claret Fizz

Succo di limone, Vino rosso, Sciroppo, Soda