Bevande e cocktail con Limone

I limoni sono largamente usati come decorazione, tagliati a rondelle, fette o quarti. Per una presentazione ad effetto, spolverizzate dello zucchero in un piatto ed immergetevi il limone. Se volete un altro sapore (la cannella ad esempio) sull’altra estremità della fetta, preparate due piatti! La scorza può essere usata per creare decorazioni come la spirale dello Horse’s Neck. Preparate la vostra spirale con un coltello ricurvo (un buon investimento!) o tenete la mano ben ferma e usate un normale coltello.

apeach and pineapple collins against white backgroundapeach and pineapple collins against white background

Apeach and Pineapple Collins

Apeach and Pineapple Collins

Absolut Apeach, Soda, Succo d’ananas, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Limone

absolut ginger smash in environmentabsolut ginger smash in environment

Absolut Ginger Smash

Absolut Ginger Smash

Absolut Äpple, Limone, Fogliolina di menta, Ginger ale

brandy cassis against white backgroundbrandy cassis against white background

Brandy Cassis

Brandy Cassis

Cognac, Liquore di ribes nero, Succo di limone, Limone

it girl against white backgroundit girl against white background

It Girl

It Girl

Absolut Vodka, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Succo di lime, Campari, Sciroppo di orzata alle mandorle, Limone

blue blazer against white backgroundblue blazer against white background

Blue Blazer

Blue Blazer

Scotch Whisky, Acqua bollente, Zucchero bruno, Limone

sunriser against white backgroundsunriser against white background



Succo d’arancia, Succo di limone, Granatina, Soda, Limone

bolero against white backgroundbolero against white background



Rum light, Calvados, Vermut dolce, Limone

roy rogers in environmentroy rogers in environment

Roy Rogers

Roy Rogers

Cola, Granatina, Limone, Ciliegia

bourbon sling against white backgroundbourbon sling against white background

Bourbon Sling

Bourbon Sling

Bourbon, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Soda, Limone

black martini in environmentblack martini in environment

Black Martini

Black Martini

Absolut Vodka, Liquore di lamponi neri, Limone

passionfruit collins in environmentpassionfruit collins in environment

Passionfruit Collins

Passionfruit Collins

Absolut Passionfruit, Succo di limone, Sugar Syrup, Passionfruit Liqueur, Soda, Limone

absolut lemon against white backgroundabsolut lemon against white background

Absolut Lemon

Absolut Lemon

Absolut Vodka, Bitter Lemon, Limone, Basilico

absolut citron maryabsolut citron mary

Absolut Citron Mary

Absolut Citron Mary

Absolut Citron, Succo di pomodoro, Aceto balsamico, Succo di limone, Sale all’aglio, Salsa piccante, Limone

absolut mint julep in environmentabsolut mint julep in environment

Absolut Mint Julep

Absolut Mint Julep

Absolut Vodka, Fogliolina di menta, Zucchero extrafino, Limone

gin and tonic against white backgroundgin and tonic against white background

Gin And Tonic

Gin And Tonic

Gin, Acqua tonica, Limone

apple jack sour against white backgroundapple jack sour against white background

Apple Jack Sour

Apple Jack Sour

Applejack, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Limone

new york mule against white backgroundnew york mule against white background

New York Mule

New York Mule

Absolut Citron, Succo di lime, Ginger beer, Limone, Lime

pink tonic against white backgroundpink tonic against white background

Pink Tonic

Pink Tonic

Amari, Acqua tonica, Limone

business time in environmentbusiness time in environment

Business Time

Business Time

Absolut Vodka, Succo di limone, Sciroppo di miele, Liquore alla banana, Bitter al cardamomo, Acqua tonica, Limone

raspberry delight against white backgroundraspberry delight against white background

Raspberry Delight

Raspberry Delight

Absolut Citron, Succo di limone, Liquore di lamponi, Limone

absolut rhubarb and custardabsolut rhubarb and custard

Absolut Rhubarb and Custard

Absolut Rhubarb and Custard

Absolut Vanilia, Liquore al rabarbaro, Sciroppo, Limone

french 66 against white backgroundfrench 66 against white background

French 66

French 66

Succo di limone, Bitter all’arancia, Champagne, Limone

japanese fizz against white backgroundjapanese fizz against white background

Japanese Fizz

Japanese Fizz

Bourbon, Succo di limone, Porto rosso, Albume, Soda, Limone, Ciliegia al maraschino

absolut news in environmentabsolut news in environment

Absolut News

Absolut News

Absolut Vodka, Succo di limone, Triple Sec, Soda, Limone