Bevande e cocktail con degustazione Gusto dolce

Voglia di dessert o voglia di qualcosa dal gusto dolce? Provate l’ABSOUT Chocolate Masked Martini: appagherà sicuramente la vostra golosità.

absolut juice apple and tonic against white backgroundabsolut juice apple and tonic against white background

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple, Acqua tonica, Mela

coffee hot and cool against white backgroundcoffee hot and cool against white background

Coffee Hot And Cool

Coffee Hot And Cool

Crème de Menthe, Bianca, Caffè freddo

xochimilco against white backgroundxochimilco against white background



Kahlúa, Panna

kaffee-punsch against white backgroundkaffee-punsch against white background



Rum light, Porto bianco, Caffè

mind eraser in environmentmind eraser in environment

Mind Eraser

Mind Eraser

Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa, Soda

jamaica joe against white backgroundjamaica joe against white background

Jamaica Joe

Jamaica Joe

Rum scuro di tipo giamaicano, Kahlúa, Liquore all’uovo, Granatina

whispers-of-the-frost against white backgroundwhispers-of-the-frost against white background



Bourbon, Porto rosso, Sherry, Sciroppo, Scorza di limone, Arancia

magic star against white backgroundmagic star against white background

Magic Star

Magic Star

Pisang Ambon, Liquore al cacao bianco, Panna, Liquore al kiwi, Granatina

trader vic’s coffee grog against white backgroundtrader vic’s coffee grog against white background

Trader Vic’s Coffee Grog

Trader Vic’s Coffee Grog

Rum invecchiato di tipo cubano, Panna, Burro, Caffè, Arancia

absolut grcic pearspresso against white backgroundabsolut grcic pearspresso against white background

Absolut Grcic Pearspresso

Absolut Grcic Pearspresso

Absolut Pears, Caffè espresso (freddo), Zucchero extrafino

midnight cowboy against white backgroundmidnight cowboy against white background

Midnight Cowboy

Midnight Cowboy

Bourbon, Rum scuro di tipo giamaicano, Panna

ice bear against white backgroundice bear against white background

Ice Bear

Ice Bear

Cognac, Rum light, Kahlúa

marragansett against white backgroundmarragansett against white background



Bourbon, Vermut dolce, anisetta

casino royalcasino royal

Casino Royal

Casino Royal

Gin, Apricot Brandy, Vermut Secco, Succo di limone, Ciliegia

eröffnung against white backgrounderöffnung against white background



Scotch Whisky, Granatina, Vermut dolce, Ciliegia al maraschino

château de st. christophe against white backgroundchâteau de st. christophe against white background

Château de ST. Christophe

Château de ST. Christophe

Bourbon, Cordial Medoc, Sherry

quelle vie against white backgroundquelle vie against white background

Quelle Vie

Quelle Vie

Cognac, Kümmel

baby’s own against white backgroundbaby’s own against white background

Baby’s Own

Baby’s Own

Triple Sec, Panna, Amari

ragnar in environmentragnar in environment



Absolut Kurant, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Limone

café cobbler against white backgroundcafé cobbler against white background

Café Cobbler

Café Cobbler

Cognac, Sciroppo, Caffè freddo