Bevande e cocktail serviti in un Tumbler basso

Questo bicchiere dritto e basso viene talvolta chiamato "old-fashioned tumbler" o abbastanza semplicemente bicchiere da whiskey. La sua capacità è di circa 200 millilitri e viene utilizzato per short drink e alcolici lisci con ghiaccio. Volete un drink davvero superbo per il vostro tumbler basso? Provare ABSOLUT Vodka Gimlet.

pendennis toddy against white backgroundpendennis toddy against white background

Pendennis Toddy

Pendennis Toddy

Rye Whiskey, Acqua, Limone

island dream against white backgroundisland dream against white background

Island Dream

Island Dream

Rum light, Granatina, Succo di limone, Succo d’arancia, Orange Curaçao, Ciliegia al maraschino, Arancia




Absolut Vodka, Succo di melagrana, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Crème de cassis, Succo di limone, Granatina, Ciliegia, Limone

brazilian berry against white backgroundbrazilian berry against white background

Brazilian Berry

Brazilian Berry

Cachaca, Vino bianco, Liquore di ribes nero, Ribes nero, Fogliolina di menta, Lampone

mandrin negronimandrin negroni

Mandrin Negroni

Mandrin Negroni

Absolut Mandrin, Campari, Vermut dolce, Arancia

absolut trappy tea against white backgroundabsolut trappy tea against white background

Absolut Trappy Tea

Absolut Trappy Tea

Absolut Mandrin, Liquore al cioccolato, Tè freddo al limone

whiskey sour in the rough against white backgroundwhiskey sour in the rough against white background

Whiskey Sour In The Rough

Whiskey Sour In The Rough

Bourbon, Succo di limone, Succo d’arancia, Sciroppo

gogel-mogel against white backgroundgogel-mogel against white background



Cognac, Sciroppo, Uovo (tuorlo e albume)

foreign office pick-up against white backgroundforeign office pick-up against white background

Foreign Office Pick-up

Foreign Office Pick-up

Tequila bianca, Succo di limone, Acqua, Amari

seaboard against white backgroundseaboard against white background



Bourbon, Gin, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Fogliolina di menta

rye punch against white backgroundrye punch against white background

Rye Punch

Rye Punch

Rye Whiskey, Succo di limone, Sciroppo

lucky double against white backgroundlucky double against white background

Lucky Double

Lucky Double

Absolut Mandrin, Triple Sec, Limone

rum toddy against white backgroundrum toddy against white background

Rum Toddy

Rum Toddy

Rum scuro di tipo giamaicano, Sciroppo, Acqua bollente, Limone

absolut watermelon in environmentabsolut watermelon in environment

Absolut Watermelon

Absolut Watermelon

Absolut Vanilia, Succo di limone, Anguria, Zucchero extrafino

absolut citron pineapple fusion against white backgroundabsolut citron pineapple fusion against white background

Absolut Citron Pineapple Fusion

Absolut Citron Pineapple Fusion

Absolut Citron, Zucchero extrafino, Ananas

absolut wild tea gimlet against white backgroundabsolut wild tea gimlet against white background

Absolut Wild Tea Gimlet

Absolut Wild Tea Gimlet

Absolut Wild Tea, Sciroppo, Succo di lime

apricot sour against white backgroundapricot sour against white background

Apricot Sour

Apricot Sour

Scotch Whisky, Apricot Brandy, Succo di mela spremuto fresco, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Albicocca, Limone

sloe tequila against white backgroundsloe tequila against white background

Sloe Tequila

Sloe Tequila

Tequila bianca, Succo di lime, Cetriolo

absolut pears exotic against white backgroundabsolut pears exotic against white background

Absolut Pears Exotic

Absolut Pears Exotic

Absolut Pears, Pera, Cannella, Zucchero extrafino

pure yoga against white backgroundpure yoga against white background

Pure Yoga

Pure Yoga

Absolut Vodka, Soda, Limone

sex in the dunes against white backgroundsex in the dunes against white background

Sex In The Dunes

Sex In The Dunes

Absolut Vodka, Liquore alla pesca, Succo d’ananas, Liquore di lamponi neri

road streaker against white backgroundroad streaker against white background

Road Streaker

Road Streaker

Absolut Vodka, Panna, Liquore alla pesca, Kahlúa, Liquore alla nocciola

absolut vanilia guava against white backgroundabsolut vanilia guava against white background

Absolut Vanilia Guava

Absolut Vanilia Guava

Absolut Vanilia, Succo di limone, Ribes rosso, Zucchero extrafino

danny’s special against white backgrounddanny’s special against white background

Danny’s Special

Danny’s Special

Bourbon, Brandy aromatizzato all’arancia, Succo di limone, Triple Sec