Drinks und Cocktails mit Absolut Vodka

Absolut Vodka besitzt einen vollen Geschmack, ist geschmeidig und samtig mit dem unverwechselbaren Charakter des Getreides. Absolut Vodka ist pur und eiskalt ein Genuss, aber auch On-the-Rocks oder als Basis von Hunderten von Drinks und Cocktails.

absolut establishment against white backgroundabsolut establishment against white background

Absolut Establishment

Absolut Establishment

Absolut Vodka, Apfellikör, Melonenlikör, Kiwi, Limette

a twist of level against white backgrounda twist of level against white background

A Twist of Level

A Twist of Level

Absolut Vodka, Trockener Wermut

kentucky iced tea against white backgroundkentucky iced tea against white background

Kentucky Iced Tea

Kentucky Iced Tea

Bourbon, Absolut Vodka, Leichter Rum, Zitronensaft

the legend against white backgroundthe legend against white background

The Legend

The Legend

Absolut Vodka, Limettensaft, Zuckersirup, Brombeerlikör, Orange Bitter

chãteau de chatillon against white backgroundchãteau de chatillon against white background

Chãteau de Chatillon

Chãteau de Chatillon

Absolut Vodka, Italienischer Wermut, Grüner Chartreuse, Zitronensaft

top hit against white backgroundtop hit against white background

Top Hit

Top Hit

Absolut Vodka, Trockener Wermut, Orange Curaçao

walk on the wild sidewalk on the wild side

Walk On The Wild Side

Walk On The Wild Side

Absolut Vodka, Limettensaft, Zuckersirup, Minze

exchequer against white backgroundexchequer against white background



Absolut Vodka, Bananenlikör, Orangensaft

aqueduct against white backgroundaqueduct against white background



Absolut Vodka, Aprikosenbrand, Limettensaft, Orange Curaçao, Orange

lisbon against white backgroundlisbon against white background



Absolut Vodka, Zitronensaft, Pfirsichlikör, Cranberrysaft

absolut mint against white backgroundabsolut mint against white background

Absolut Mint

Absolut Mint

Absolut Vodka, Minze, feinen Zucker, Zitrone

cowboy’s delight against white backgroundcowboy’s delight against white background

Cowboy’s Delight

Cowboy’s Delight

Absolut Vodka, Bourbon, Trockener Wermut, Würzbitter, Grüne Olive

saturn martini against white backgroundsaturn martini against white background

Saturn Martini

Saturn Martini

Absolut Vodka, Weißwein, Flüssiger Honig, Wasser, Weintraube

green alaska against white backgroundgreen alaska against white background

Green Alaska

Green Alaska

Absolut Vodka, Grüner Minzlikör, Maraschino-kirsche

porte cochére against white backgroundporte cochére against white background

Porte Cochére

Porte Cochére

Absolut Vodka, Aprikosenbrand, Eigelb, Grenadine, Orangensaft

moksha martini against white backgroundmoksha martini against white background

Moksha Martini

Moksha Martini

Absolut Vodka, Apfellikör, Ingwersirup, Zitronensaft, Basilikum

red earl martini against white backgroundred earl martini against white background

Red Earl Martini

Red Earl Martini

Absolut Vodka, Limoncello, Zuckersirup, Himbeere

niagara falls against white backgroundniagara falls against white background

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Absolut Vodka, Triple Sec, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Ginger Ale

three thirds against white backgroundthree thirds against white background

Three Thirds

Three Thirds

Absolut Vodka, Dubonnet, Sherry, Zitrone

x-rated in environmentx-rated in environment



Absolut Vodka, Grapefruitsaft, Weißer Kakaolikör

absolut night against white backgroundabsolut night against white background

Absolut Night

Absolut Night

Absolut Vodka, Zitronensaft, Zitronenlimonade, Zitrone

liscious against white backgroundliscious against white background



Absolut Vodka, schwarzer Johannisbeerlikör, Cranberrysaft, Zitronensaft, Zitronenlimonade

absolut grcic north side cocktail against white backgroundabsolut grcic north side cocktail against white background

Absolut Grcic North Side Cocktail

Absolut Grcic North Side Cocktail

Absolut Vodka, Limettensaft, Zuckersirup, Minze

absolut salty dog against white backgroundabsolut salty dog against white background

Absolut Salty Dog

Absolut Salty Dog

Absolut Vodka, Pink Grapefruitsaft, Grapefruit

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Registriere dich für wöchentliche Mix-Tipps und Rezepte