饮料和鸡尾酒 柠檬

柠檬是一种使用广泛的饮品装饰。柠檬的切法多种多样,既可以切片,也可以切角(如需搅拌)。您还可以在盘子中撒上糖,然后使用柠檬蘸取,就能打造出更加夺目的效果。如果您希望在这一角柠檬的另外一侧增加不同风味(例如肉桂),准备好盛有不同配料的两个盘子即可! 螺旋状的柠檬皮也可用作饮品(例如 Horse's Neck 鸡尾酒)的装饰。您可以使用专业刀具(绝对值得购买)制作螺旋状柠檬皮,也可以利用普通刀具徒手小心雕刻。

ginger-lemonade highball against white backgroundginger-lemonade highball against white background

Ginger-lemonade Highball

Ginger-lemonade Highball

绝对伏特加原味, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆, 生姜糖浆, 红石榴糖浆, 苏打水, 柠檬

absolut peachroska against white backgroundabsolut peachroska against white background

Absolut Peachroska

Absolut Peachroska

绝对风味伏特加(蜜桃味), 柠檬, 青柠, 超细蔗糖, 桃子

absolut äpple with ginger ale against white backgroundabsolut äpple with ginger ale against white background

Absolut Äpple with Ginger Ale

Absolut Äpple with Ginger Ale

绝对风味伏特加(苹果味), 姜汁汽水, 柠檬, 苹果

passionfruit & peach iced tea in environmentpassionfruit & peach iced tea in environment

Passionfruit & Peach Iced Tea

Passionfruit & Peach Iced Tea

Absolut Passionfruit, 桃味冰茶, 柠檬, 薄荷叶

gin cobbler against white backgroundgin cobbler against white background

Gin Cobbler

Gin Cobbler

金酒, 超细蔗糖, 橙子, 柠檬, 青柠, 覆盆子, 苏打水, 菠萝, 薄荷叶

shillelagh punch against white backgroundshillelagh punch against white background

Shillelagh Punch

Shillelagh Punch

苏格兰威士忌, 淡色朗姆酒, 金酒, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆, 柠檬, 橙子, 草莓

aurora against white backgroundaurora against white background



金酒, 卡尔瓦多斯酒, 红石榴糖浆, 柠檬

all stars against white backgroundall stars against white background

All Stars

All Stars

金酒, 飘仙 1 号甜酒, 橙子柑香酒, 甜苦艾酒, 柠檬, 酒浸樱桃

acapulco against white backgroundacapulco against white background



白色龙舌兰, 黑加仑力娇酒, 简易糖浆, 苏打水, 柠檬

bubble margarita against white backgroundbubble margarita against white background

Bubble Margarita

Bubble Margarita

白色龙舌兰, 青柠汁, 橙皮力娇酒, 香槟, 柠檬

dama blanca against white backgrounddama blanca against white background

Dama Blanca

Dama Blanca

金酒, 柠檬汁, 橙皮力娇酒, 柠檬, 橙子

apple orchard fizz against white backgroundapple orchard fizz against white background

Apple Orchard Fizz

Apple Orchard Fizz

Absolut Juice Apple, 柠檬青柠苏打水, 橙汁, 柠檬

shanghai fizz against white backgroundshanghai fizz against white background

Shanghai Fizz

Shanghai Fizz

金酒, 荔枝利口酒, 菠萝汁, 简易糖浆, 薄荷叶, 荔枝, 柠檬, 姜汁汽水

trafalgar against white backgroundtrafalgar against white background



金酒(老汤姆), 青柠汁, 苦味酒, 柠檬, 酒浸樱桃

pineapple cooler in environmentpineapple cooler in environment

Pineapple Cooler

Pineapple Cooler

菠萝汁, 苏打水, 柠檬汁, 黑胡椒粉, 柠檬, 菠萝

the elyx spritz in environmentthe elyx spritz in environment

The Elyx Spritz

The Elyx Spritz

Absolut Elyx, 接骨木花汤力水, Lillet Rose, 柠檬

japanese fizz against white backgroundjapanese fizz against white background

Japanese Fizz

Japanese Fizz

波本酒, 柠檬汁, 红色波特酒, 蛋白, 苏打水, 柠檬, 酒浸樱桃

st. clementine crush against white backgroundst. clementine crush against white background

St. Clementine Crush

St. Clementine Crush

金酒, 柑橘利口酒, 柠檬, 柑橘

apple grand marnier against white backgroundapple grand marnier against white background

Apple Grand Marnier

Apple Grand Marnier

干邑白兰地, 卡尔瓦多斯酒, 橙皮力娇酒, 柠檬, 橙子

black magic against white backgroundblack magic against white background

Black Magic

Black Magic

绝对伏特加原味, 甘露咖啡力娇酒, 柠檬汁, 柠檬

absolut apeach cosmopolitan against white backgroundabsolut apeach cosmopolitan against white background

Absolut Apeach Cosmopolitan

Absolut Apeach Cosmopolitan

绝对风味伏特加(蜜桃味), 橙皮力娇酒, 青柠汁, 蔓越莓汁, 柠檬

dmc against white backgrounddmc against white background



绝对风味伏特加(柠檬味), 柠檬酒, 香草糖浆, 柠檬, 薄荷叶

horse’s neck in environmenthorse’s neck in environment

Horse’s Neck

Horse’s Neck

波本酒, 苦味酒, 姜汁汽水, 柠檬

absolut berri açai sour against white backgroundabsolut berri açai sour against white background

Absolut Berri Açai Sour

Absolut Berri Açai Sour

绝对风味伏特加(巴西莓味), 菠萝, 超细蔗糖, 柠檬, 蓝莓