Bevande e cocktail con Vermut dolce

Noto anche col nome di vermut bianco, il vermut bianco dolce è spesso servito come aperitivo.

los angeles against white backgroundlos angeles against white background

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Rye Whiskey, Succo di limone, Vermut dolce, Sciroppo, Liquore a base di whisky e miele , Uovo (tuorlo e albume)

maragato against white backgroundmaragato against white background



Rum light, Vermut Secco, Succo d’arancia, Vermut dolce, Succo di lime, Maraschino, Arancia

colmo de estocolmo en barcelona against white backgroundcolmo de estocolmo en barcelona against white background

Colmo de Estocolmo En Barcelona

Colmo de Estocolmo En Barcelona

Absolut Vodka, Vermut Secco, Liquore ai mandarini, Vermut dolce, Amari

charleston against white backgroundcharleston against white background



Vermut Secco, Gin, Cherry Brandy, Maraschino, Orange Curaçao, Vermut dolce, Limone

chanuncey olcott cocktail against white backgroundchanuncey olcott cocktail against white background

Chanuncey Olcott Cocktail

Chanuncey Olcott Cocktail

Whiskey irlandese, Vermut Secco, Vermut dolce

victor special against white backgroundvictor special against white background

Victor Special

Victor Special

Bourbon, Triple Sec, Vermut dolce, Succo di limone, Succo d’arancia

highland against white backgroundhighland against white background



Scotch Whisky, Vermut dolce, Amari

rum perfect against white backgroundrum perfect against white background

Rum Perfect

Rum Perfect

Rum light, Vermut Secco, Vermut dolce

serenade against white backgroundserenade against white background



Bourbon, Orange Curaçao, Succo d’ananas, Vermut dolce, Scorza di limone, Ciliegia al maraschino

polo against white backgroundpolo against white background



Vermut Secco, Gin, Succo di lime, Vermut dolce

cooperstown against white backgroundcooperstown against white background



Gin, Vermut Secco, Vermut dolce, Fogliolina di menta

mckinley’s delight against white backgroundmckinley’s delight against white background

Mckinley’s Delight

Mckinley’s Delight

Bourbon, Vermut dolce, Cherry Brandy, Pastis

jewel against white backgroundjewel against white background



Gin, Chartreuse verde, Vermut dolce, Bitter all’arancia, Limone

heavy water against white backgroundheavy water against white background

Heavy Water

Heavy Water

Rye Whiskey, Granatina, Vermut dolce, Bitter all’arancia

affinity against white backgroundaffinity against white background



Scotch Whisky, Vermut Secco, Vermut dolce, Amari, Arancia

maurice against white backgroundmaurice against white background



Gin, Vermut Secco, Succo d’arancia, Vermut dolce, Assenzio, Arancia

palmetto against white backgroundpalmetto against white background



Rum scuro di tipo giamaicano, Vermut dolce, Bitter all’arancia, Scorza di limone

fair and warmer against white backgroundfair and warmer against white background

Fair And Warmer

Fair And Warmer

Rum light, Vermut dolce, Orange Curaçao

emerson against white backgroundemerson against white background



Gin (old Tom), Succo di lime, Vermut dolce, Maraschino

tailspin against white backgroundtailspin against white background



Gin, Chartreuse verde, Vermut dolce, Amari

robber against white backgroundrobber against white background



Scotch Whisky, Vermut dolce, Amari, Ciliegia al maraschino

scotch holiday sour against white backgroundscotch holiday sour against white background

Scotch Holiday Sour

Scotch Holiday Sour

Scotch Whisky, Cherry Brandy, Succo di limone, Albume, Vermut dolce, Limone

six cylinder against white backgroundsix cylinder against white background

Six Cylinder

Six Cylinder

Vermut Secco, Gin, Campari, Cherry Brandy, Dubonnet, Vermut dolce

one exciting night against white backgroundone exciting night against white background

One Exciting Night

One Exciting Night

Vermut Secco, Gin, Vermut dolce, Succo d’arancia, Scorza di limone