Bevande e cocktail con Vino rosso

La differenza tra vino bianco e vino rosso sta nel colore dell’uva, e il vino rosso è prodotto con l’uva nera. Come mixer, il vino rosso è impiegato soprattutto in punch e simili. È sempre un bene tenere una bottiglia nel bar (ma state attenti a non tenere le bottiglie aperte troppo a lungo se non volete che si trasformi in aceto).

mulled mule  in environmentmulled mule  in environment

Mulled Mule

Mulled Mule

Absolut Vodka, Spezie per il vin brulé, Ginger beer, Vino rosso

sangria in environmentsangria in environment



Brandy, Vino rosso, Soda, Liquore all’arancia, Arancia, Mela

cosmopolitan delight against white backgroundcosmopolitan delight against white background

Cosmopolitan Delight

Cosmopolitan Delight

Brandy, Succo di limone, Orange Curaçao, Sciroppo, Vino rosso, Sciroppo di orzata alle mandorle, Ciliegia al maraschino, Arancia

russian coffee against white backgroundrussian coffee against white background

Russian Coffee

Russian Coffee

Absolut Vodka, Caffè, Vino rosso, Sciroppo

absolut juice apple sangria against white backgroundabsolut juice apple sangria against white background

Absolut Juice Apple Sangria

Absolut Juice Apple Sangria

Absolut Juice Apple, Vino rosso, Triple Sec, Amari, Arancia, Mela, Uva

claret punch against white backgroundclaret punch against white background

Claret Punch

Claret Punch

Succo di limone, Orange Curaçao, Sciroppo, Vino rosso, Arancia, Ribes rosso, Fragola

bishop against white backgroundbishop against white background



Rum light, Vino rosso, Succo di limone, Sciroppo

the visionairethe visionaire

The Visionaire

The Visionaire

Absolut Karnival Edition, Succo di pompelmo, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Vino rosso

continental sour against white backgroundcontinental sour against white background

Continental Sour

Continental Sour

Rye Whiskey, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Vino rosso, Albume, Ciliegia al maraschino, Arancia

turkish blood against white backgroundturkish blood against white background

Turkish Blood

Turkish Blood

Champagne, Vino rosso

myra against white backgroundmyra against white background



Absolut Vodka, Vermut Secco, Vino rosso

american cooler against white backgroundamerican cooler against white background

American Cooler

American Cooler

Rum light, Vino rosso, Sciroppo, Succo di limone, Succo d’arancia, Soda

claret flip against white backgroundclaret flip against white background

Claret Flip

Claret Flip

Vino rosso, Sciroppo, Tuorlo

new york sour against white backgroundnew york sour against white background

New York Sour

New York Sour

Bourbon, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Albume, Vino rosso

kosakenblut against white backgroundkosakenblut against white background



Absolut Vodka, Caffè, Vino rosso, Sciroppo

claret cobbler against white backgroundclaret cobbler against white background

Claret Cobbler

Claret Cobbler

Vino rosso, Sciroppo, Arancia, Lampone, Fragola

absolut ruby sea breeze against white backgroundabsolut ruby sea breeze against white background

Absolut Ruby Sea Breeze

Absolut Ruby Sea Breeze

Absolut Ruby Red, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Vino rosso

claret fizz against white backgroundclaret fizz against white background

Claret Fizz

Claret Fizz

Succo di limone, Vino rosso, Sciroppo, Soda