Bevande e cocktail con Succo di lime

Non fate l’errore di prendere il cordiale al lime se si richiede il succo di lime fresco. Se dovete preparare solo pochi drink, bastano poche fette da spremere con le mani, ma se state organizzando una festa assicuratevi di averne in grandi quantità. Quasi essenziale!

snow white against white backgroundsnow white against white background

Snow White

Snow White

Rum light, Succo di lime, Succo d’ananas, Sciroppo, Albume

hot toad against white backgroundhot toad against white background

Hot Toad

Hot Toad

Rum invecchiato di tipo cubano, Apricot Brandy, Succo di lime, Sciroppo

duke of marlborough against white backgroundduke of marlborough against white background

Duke of Marlborough

Duke of Marlborough

Succo di lime, Sherry, Vermut dolce, Purea di lamponi, Bitter all’arancia

absolut kiwi caipiroska against white backgroundabsolut kiwi caipiroska against white background

Absolut Kiwi Caipiroska

Absolut Kiwi Caipiroska

Absolut Vodka, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Kiwi

absolut apple soda against white backgroundabsolut apple soda against white background

Absolut Apple Soda

Absolut Apple Soda

Absolut Äpple, Soda, Succo di lime, Lime, Mela

key lime pie against white backgroundkey lime pie against white background

Key Lime Pie

Key Lime Pie

Absolut Vodka, Succo d’ananas, Cordiale al lime, Succo di lime

madison avenue cocktail against white backgroundmadison avenue cocktail against white background

Madison Avenue Cocktail

Madison Avenue Cocktail

Rum light, Succo di lime, Triple Sec, Bitter all’arancia, Lime, Fogliolina di menta

foxtrot against white backgroundfoxtrot against white background



Rum light, Succo di lime, Orange Curaçao

legend 2 against white backgroundlegend 2 against white background

Legend 2

Legend 2

Gin, Sciroppo, Succo di lime, Liquore di ribes nero, Bitter all’arancia, Lime

yang tze in environmentyang tze in environment

Yang Tze

Yang Tze

Absolut Vodka, Galliano, Succo di lime, Albume, Triple Sec, Ananas

santiago against white backgroundsantiago against white background



Rum light, Rum speziato, Amari, Succo di lime, Succo d’arancia, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime

devil’s tail against white backgrounddevil’s tail against white background

Devil’s Tail

Devil’s Tail

Rum invecchiato di tipo cubano, Apricot Brandy, Succo di lime, Granatina, Lime

fu manchu daiquiri against white backgroundfu manchu daiquiri against white background

Fu Manchu Daiquiri

Fu Manchu Daiquiri

Rum light, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Triple Sec, Liquore al cacao bianco

greta garbo against white backgroundgreta garbo against white background

Greta Garbo

Greta Garbo

Rum light, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Maraschino, Pastis, Anice stellato

south side fizz against white backgroundsouth side fizz against white background

South Side Fizz

South Side Fizz

Gin, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Soda, Fogliolina di menta

fennel countdown in environmentfennel countdown in environment

Fennel Countdown

Fennel Countdown

Absolut Elyx, Succo di pompelmo rosa, Homemade Fennel Cordial, Suze, Succo di lime, Scorza di pompelmo

cranapple breeze against white backgroundcranapple breeze against white background

Cranapple Breeze

Cranapple Breeze

Absolut Citron, Succo di mela spremuto fresco, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Triple Sec, Succo di lime, Ginger ale, Lime

apple crush against white backgroundapple crush against white background

Apple crush

Apple crush

Scotch Whisky, Absolut Äpple, Succo di mela spremuto fresco, Succo di lime, Pimm’s No. 1 Cup, Cannella, Mela

pale original against white backgroundpale original against white background

Pale Original

Pale Original

Tequila bianca, Succo di guava, Sciroppo allo zenzero, Succo di lime, Lime

embassy cocktail against white backgroundembassy cocktail against white background

Embassy Cocktail

Embassy Cocktail

Brandy, Rum scuro di tipo giamaicano, Succo di lime, Triple Sec

southern cross against white backgroundsouthern cross against white background

Southern Cross

Southern Cross

Cognac, Rum light, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Orange Curaçao, Soda

new york against white backgroundnew york against white background

New York

New York

Bourbon, Brandy alla pesca, Succo di lime, Granatina, Sciroppo, Arancia

huntsman, the against white backgroundhuntsman, the against white background

Huntsman, The

Huntsman, The

Absolut Vodka, Rum scuro di tipo giamaicano, Succo di lime

absolut long mule in environmentabsolut long mule in environment

Absolut Long Mule

Absolut Long Mule

Absolut Vodka, Ginger beer, Succo di lime, Lime