Bevande e cocktail con Ghiaccio tritato

Assicuratevi che il ghiaccio nel bicchiere sia sempre fresco. Il ghiaccio rimanente nello shaker si scioglie e si consuma, e non va bene. L'unico scopo del ghiaccio è mantenere freddo il vostro drink, quindi evitate ad ogni costo che del ghiaccio sciolto lo annacqui. A questo scopo, utilizzate bicchieri freddi e riempiteli con quanto più ghiaccio possibile.

absolut basil against white backgroundabsolut basil against white background

Absolut Basil

Absolut Basil

Absolut Peppar, Basilico, Fragola, Fogliolina di menta

feodora cobbler against white backgroundfeodora cobbler against white background

Feodora Cobbler

Feodora Cobbler

Rum light, Cognac, Orange Curaçao, Soda, Banana, Arancia

marroccan mint against white backgroundmarroccan mint against white background

Marroccan Mint

Marroccan Mint

Absolut Peppar, Sciroppo, Fragola, Fogliolina di menta, Lime

watermelon lemonade against white backgroundwatermelon lemonade against white background

Watermelon Lemonade

Watermelon Lemonade

Succo di anguria, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Melone

spiced apple against white backgroundspiced apple against white background

Spiced Apple

Spiced Apple

Succo di mela, Ginger ale, Mela

rapaska against white backgroundrapaska against white background



Absolut Raspberri, Succo di mela spremuto fresco, Succo d’arancia, Sciroppo, Fogliolina di menta, Frutto della passione, Lampone

vanilla summer against white backgroundvanilla summer against white background

Vanilla Summer

Vanilla Summer

Absolut Vanilia, Acqua tonica, Lampone

monza 2 against white backgroundmonza 2 against white background

Monza 2

Monza 2

Absolut Vodka, Succo di pompelmo, Liquore di ribes nero

absolut hibiskus caipiroska against white backgroundabsolut hibiskus caipiroska against white background

Absolut Hibiskus Caipiroska

Absolut Hibiskus Caipiroska

Absolut Hibiskus, Sciroppo, Lime, Grano di melagrana

st clements against white backgroundst clements against white background

St Clements

St Clements

Succo d’arancia, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Limone, Arancia

basil'n apple against white backgroundbasil'n apple against white background

Basil'n Apple

Basil'n Apple

Succo di limone, Basilico, Mela, Zucchero bruno, Succo di mela

beautiful thing, the against white backgroundbeautiful thing, the against white background

Beautiful Thing, The

Beautiful Thing, The

Absolut Vodka, Cordiale ai fiori di sambuco, Sciroppo, Citronella, Fogliolina di menta

absolut mandrinoska against white backgroundabsolut mandrinoska against white background

Absolut Mandrinoska

Absolut Mandrinoska

Absolut Mandrin, Sciroppo, Arancia

hoxton highball against white backgroundhoxton highball against white background

Hoxton Highball

Hoxton Highball

Tequila bianca, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Purea di lamponi, Champagne, Lampone

absolut strawberry against white backgroundabsolut strawberry against white background

Absolut Strawberry

Absolut Strawberry

Absolut Vodka, Fragola, Litchi, Zucchero extrafino

absolut cashew against white backgroundabsolut cashew against white background

Absolut Cashew

Absolut Cashew

Absolut Vodka, Noce d’anacardio, Zucchero extrafino

el floridita against white backgroundel floridita against white background

El Floridita

El Floridita

Rum invecchiato di tipo cubano, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Succo di pompelmo, Maraschino, Ciliegia

queen of bahia against white backgroundqueen of bahia against white background

Queen of Bahia

Queen of Bahia

Cachaca, Liquore alla fragola, Fragola, Lime

pomegranate fizz against white backgroundpomegranate fizz against white background

Pomegranate Fizz

Pomegranate Fizz

Succo di melagrana, Soda, Limone

absolut vanilia julep against white backgroundabsolut vanilia julep against white background

Absolut Vanilia Julep

Absolut Vanilia Julep

Absolut Vanilia, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Fogliolina di menta

absolut very berry against white backgroundabsolut very berry against white background

Absolut Very Berry

Absolut Very Berry

Absolut Vodka, Crème de mûre, Lime, Mirtillo, Mora, Zucchero extrafino

emerald against white backgroundemerald against white background



Cognac, Liquore alla menta verde

claret cobbler against white backgroundclaret cobbler against white background

Claret Cobbler

Claret Cobbler

Vino rosso, Sciroppo, Arancia, Lampone, Fragola

absolut republic against white backgroundabsolut republic against white background

Absolut Republic

Absolut Republic

Absolut Kurant, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Crème de cassis, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Mora