Bevande e cocktail con Birra

Shakespeare sosteneva: “Un boccale di birra è un pasto da re”. La birra è disponibile in una miriade di versioni e colori. Non si produce solo nelle isole britanniche; eccellenti birre nascono anche in India, negli Stati Uniti e in Belgio, solo per citare alcuni luoghi.

pear and elderflower mule  in environmentpear and elderflower mule  in environment

Pear and Elderflower Mule

Pear and Elderflower Mule

Absolut Juice Pear and Elderflower, Ginger ale, Limonata, Amari, Lime

peachy fizz shooter against white backgroundpeachy fizz shooter against white background

Peachy Fizz Shooter

Peachy Fizz Shooter

Absolut Apeach, Cordiale ai fiori di sambuco, Sciroppo, Soda

horse’s neck in environmenthorse’s neck in environment

Horse’s Neck

Horse’s Neck

Bourbon, Amari, Ginger ale, Limone

t.v. special highball against white backgroundt.v. special highball against white background

T.V. Special Highball

T.V. Special Highball

Gin, Succo d’ananas, Ginger ale, Ananas

strawberry kick against white backgroundstrawberry kick against white background

Strawberry Kick

Strawberry Kick

Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Fragola, Ginger ale

doctor cocktail against white backgrounddoctor cocktail against white background

Doctor Cocktail

Doctor Cocktail

Rum invecchiato di tipo cubano, Punsch svedese, Succo di lime, Cordiale al lime

benedict against white backgroundbenedict against white background



Scotch Whisky, Pimm’s No. 1 Cup, Ginger ale

flower power sour against white backgroundflower power sour against white background

Flower Power Sour

Flower Power Sour

Absolut Mandrin, Succo di limone, Cordiale ai fiori di sambuco, Liquore ai mandarini, Sciroppo, Arancia

mata hari martini against white backgroundmata hari martini against white background

Mata Hari Martini

Mata Hari Martini

Absolut Vodka, Rum speziato, Liquore alla nocciola, Cordiale al lime, Limone

summer rye against white backgroundsummer rye against white background

Summer Rye

Summer Rye

Rye Whiskey, Succo di limone, Succo di mela, Cordiale ai fiori di sambuco, Champagne, Mela




Absolut Lime, Soda, Ginger ale, Succo di lime, Cetriolo

absolut vanilia snap against white backgroundabsolut vanilia snap against white background

Absolut Vanilia Snap

Absolut Vanilia Snap

Absolut Vanilia, Ginger ale, Lime

absolut pears carnival against white backgroundabsolut pears carnival against white background

Absolut Pears Carnival

Absolut Pears Carnival

Absolut Pears, Nettare di guava, Nettare di mango, Succo di limone, Nettare di pesca, Ginger ale, Lime

flamingo-cooler against white backgroundflamingo-cooler against white background



Cognac, Liquore alla mora, Succo di limone, Succo d’arancia, Sciroppo, Ginger ale, Arancia

haitian rum punch against white backgroundhaitian rum punch against white background

Haitian Rum Punch

Haitian Rum Punch

Rum di tipo haitiano, Sciroppo, Pimm’s No. 1 Cup, Cordiale al lime

rosarita highball against white backgroundrosarita highball against white background

Rosarita Highball

Rosarita Highball

Tequila bianca, Liquore di ribes nero, Succo di lime, Ginger ale, Cetriolo

key lime pie against white backgroundkey lime pie against white background

Key Lime Pie

Key Lime Pie

Absolut Vodka, Succo d’ananas, Cordiale al lime, Succo di lime

cranapple breeze against white backgroundcranapple breeze against white background

Cranapple Breeze

Cranapple Breeze

Absolut Citron, Succo di mela spremuto fresco, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Triple Sec, Succo di lime, Ginger ale, Lime

absolut wild tea with ginger ale absolut wild tea with ginger ale

Absolut Wild Tea With Ginger Ale

Absolut Wild Tea With Ginger Ale

Absolut Wild Tea, Ginger ale, Lime

spiced apple against white backgroundspiced apple against white background

Spiced Apple

Spiced Apple

Succo di mela, Ginger ale, Mela

milano against white backgroundmilano against white background



Gin, Galliano, Cordiale al lime

orange oasis against white backgroundorange oasis against white background

Orange Oasis

Orange Oasis

Gin, Cherry Brandy, Succo d’arancia, Ginger ale

trotsky against white backgroundtrotsky against white background



Tequila bianca, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Triple Sec, Cordiale al lime

fruit cup against white backgroundfruit cup against white background

Fruit Cup

Fruit Cup

Plymouth Fruit Cup, Limonata, Ginger ale, Cetriolo, Limone, Fogliolina di menta, Fragola