Bevande e cocktail con Absolut Citron

Il suo nome significa “limone” in svedese, ed è prodotta con agrumi. Alle dote predominanti di limone si aggiungono vari altri aromi agrumati, per un bouquet più ricco. Particolarmente adatta a miscelare perfetti Cosmopolitan, e molti altri drink.

absolut sun  against white backgroundabsolut sun  against white background

Absolut Sun

Absolut Sun

Absolut Citron, Lime, Zucchero extrafino

absolut pear pleasure against white backgroundabsolut pear pleasure against white background

Absolut Pear Pleasure

Absolut Pear Pleasure

Absolut Citron, Limoncello, Succo di pera

cranapple breeze against white backgroundcranapple breeze against white background

Cranapple Breeze

Cranapple Breeze

Absolut Citron, Succo di mela spremuto fresco, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Triple Sec, Succo di lime, Ginger ale, Lime

twisted tonic against white backgroundtwisted tonic against white background

Twisted Tonic

Twisted Tonic

Absolut Citron, Acqua tonica, Limone

absolut fusion in environmentabsolut fusion in environment

Absolut Fusion

Absolut Fusion

Absolut Citron, Succo di limone, Fogliolina di menta, Basilico, Zucchero extrafino, Tè freddo alla menta

love is the message against white backgroundlove is the message against white background

Love Is The Message

Love Is The Message

Absolut Citron, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Succo di tamarindo

absolut spicy citrus bloody against white backgroundabsolut spicy citrus bloody against white background

Absolut Spicy Citrus Bloody

Absolut Spicy Citrus Bloody

Absolut Citron, Succo di pomodoro, Salamoia di olive, Succo di limone, Succo di lime, Rafano, Jalapeño, Pomodoro, Pepe Nero Macinato, Salsa piccante

windy miller against white backgroundwindy miller against white background

Windy Miller

Windy Miller

Absolut Citron, Liquore ai mandarini, Assenzio, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Mandarino

jacqueline against white backgroundjacqueline against white background



Absolut Citron, Assenzio, Succo di lime, Liquore di melone

golden tear against white backgroundgolden tear against white background

Golden Tear

Golden Tear

Absolut Citron, Vermut Secco, Liquore di schnapps alla cannella, Limone, Arancia




Absolut Citron, Vermut rosso, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Peychaud’s bitter, Bitter all’arancia, Pompelmo

absolut ginger martini against white backgroundabsolut ginger martini against white background

Absolut Ginger Martini

Absolut Ginger Martini

Absolut Citron, Sciroppo allo zenzero

lemongrad against white backgroundlemongrad against white background



Absolut Citron, Cordiale ai fiori di sambuco, Succo di limone, Acqua tonica, Limone

absolut vinopolitanabsolut vinopolitan

Absolut Vinopolitan

Absolut Vinopolitan

Absolut Citron, Triple Sec, Succo di lime, Succo d’uva, Arancia

crystal cosmo against white backgroundcrystal cosmo against white background

Crystal Cosmo

Crystal Cosmo

Absolut Citron, Succo di mirtillo bianco, Triple Sec, Lime

absolut kiwi against white backgroundabsolut kiwi against white background

Absolut Kiwi

Absolut Kiwi

Absolut Citron, Kiwi, Zucchero extrafino

blue metrazur against white backgroundblue metrazur against white background

Blue Metrazur

Blue Metrazur

Absolut Citron, Apricot Brandy, Blue Curaçao, Succo di limone

absolut litchi fruitini against white backgroundabsolut litchi fruitini against white background

Absolut Litchi Fruitini

Absolut Litchi Fruitini

Vermut Secco, Absolut Citron, Sciroppo, Litchi

absolut traveller against white backgroundabsolut traveller against white background

Absolut Traveller

Absolut Traveller

Absolut Citron, Succo di limone, Zolletta di zucchero (bianco)

absolut raspberry bellini against white backgroundabsolut raspberry bellini against white background

Absolut Raspberry Bellini

Absolut Raspberry Bellini

Absolut Citron, Purea di lamponi, Champagne

sparkly cosmo against white backgroundsparkly cosmo against white background

Sparkly Cosmo

Sparkly Cosmo

Absolut Citron, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Triple Sec, Succo di lime, Champagne, Lime

strat-o-sphere against white backgroundstrat-o-sphere against white background



Absolut Citron, Succo di melagrana, Liquore di lamponi neri, Arancia

absolut passion in environmentabsolut passion in environment

Absolut Passion

Absolut Passion

Absolut Citron, Succo al frutto della passione, Succo di limone, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Soda, Lime

absolut honeymelon shooter against white backgroundabsolut honeymelon shooter against white background

Absolut Honeymelon Shooter

Absolut Honeymelon Shooter

Absolut Citron, Melone verde