salty dog in environment
salty dog in environment
salty dog in environment
salty dog against white background

Salty Dog

Absolut Vodka, Succo Di Pompelmo Rosa, Pompelmo

3.5 from 375 votes


Come mixare

Riempire con cubetti di ghiaccio un bicchiere highball. Aggiungere tutti gli ingredienti. Decorare con pompelmo.

'Ciò che non sai sul drink Salty Dog

The salt rim is quite easy to make. Take a wedge of lime or lemon, and wet the rim of the glass with it. Pour some salt (any salt will do but a flake salt is a bit more chic) -- on a small plate and simply dip the glass rim in it. Voilà -- you just gave a glass the characteristic, cool Salty Dog look.

Valuta la ricetta

Absolut Vodka Succo Di Pompelmo Rosa Pompelmo