Bevande e cocktail serviti in un Bicchiere da vino

Esistono più usi per questo bicchiere a differenza di quanto il suo nome possa suggerire. I bicchieri da vino sono fantastici per drink frozen, wine cooler, drink con champagne, ecc. Questi bicchieri hanno varie dimensioni, ma 230-325 millilitri è la giusta capacità per preparare dei drink. Nel bicchiere da vino potete servire Absolut Hot Sweet and Spicy o un Frozen Margarita.

coffee cobbler against white backgroundcoffee cobbler against white background

Coffee Cobbler

Coffee Cobbler

Cognac, Kahlúa, Caffè freddo, Sciroppo

free dreaming against white backgroundfree dreaming against white background

Free Dreaming

Free Dreaming

Kombucha, Absolut Passionfruit, Sugar Syrup, Limone, Fogliolina di menta

mango delight in environmentmango delight in environment

Mango Delight

Mango Delight

Absolut Vodka, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Mango

absolut juice apple and tonic against white backgroundabsolut juice apple and tonic against white background

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple, Acqua tonica, Mela

coffee hot and cool against white backgroundcoffee hot and cool against white background

Coffee Hot And Cool

Coffee Hot And Cool

Crème de Menthe, Bianca, Caffè freddo

kaffee-punsch against white backgroundkaffee-punsch against white background



Rum light, Porto bianco, Caffè

kiwi crush against white backgroundkiwi crush against white background

Kiwi Crush

Kiwi Crush

Succo di pompelmo, Cordiale ai fiori di sambuco, Kiwi

trader vic’s coffee grog against white backgroundtrader vic’s coffee grog against white background

Trader Vic’s Coffee Grog

Trader Vic’s Coffee Grog

Rum invecchiato di tipo cubano, Panna, Burro, Caffè, Arancia

claret fizz against white backgroundclaret fizz against white background

Claret Fizz

Claret Fizz

Succo di limone, Vino rosso, Sciroppo, Soda

zamboanga hummer against white backgroundzamboanga hummer against white background

Zamboanga Hummer

Zamboanga Hummer

Rum invecchiato di tipo cubano, Brandy, Gin, Succo d’arancia, Succo d’ananas, Succo di limone, Triple Sec

café impérial against white backgroundcafé impérial against white background

Café Impérial

Café Impérial

Caffè, Liquore ai mandarini, Panna, Sciroppo

café cobbler against white backgroundcafé cobbler against white background

Café Cobbler

Café Cobbler

Cognac, Sciroppo, Caffè freddo

absolut sensations spritz in environmentabsolut sensations spritz in environment

Absolut Sensations Spritz

Absolut Sensations Spritz

Absolut Sensations, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Arancia

dark evening against white backgrounddark evening against white background

Dark Evening

Dark Evening

Cognac, Soda, Ciliegia al maraschino, Arancia