Bevande e cocktail serviti in un Bicchiere highball

Questo bicchiere viene chiamato anche Collins. Il bicchiere highball è con ogni probabilità il tipo di bicchiere da drink più usato al giorno d'oggi. Solitamente la sua capacità è di circa 200 millilitri e viene utilizzato per molti drink "comuni" come Vodka Tonic e ABSOLUT RUBY Seabreeze.

easy does it against white backgroundeasy does it against white background

Easy Does It

Easy Does It

Succo di mirtillo rosso, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Lime

golden fizz against white backgroundgolden fizz against white background

Golden Fizz

Golden Fizz

Gin, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Tuorlo, Soda

absolut mexican iced tea against white backgroundabsolut mexican iced tea against white background

Absolut Mexican Iced Tea

Absolut Mexican Iced Tea

Absolut Cilantro, Tè fresco all’ibisco, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Limone

absolut berry ball against white backgroundabsolut berry ball against white background

Absolut Berry Ball

Absolut Berry Ball

Absolut Kurant, Sciroppo, Soda di lamponi, Mora, Lampone

absolut cilantro rickey against white backgroundabsolut cilantro rickey against white background

Absolut Cilantro Rickey

Absolut Cilantro Rickey

Absolut Cilantro, Soda, Succo di lime, Sciroppo, Cordiale al lime

crawdaddy against white backgroundcrawdaddy against white background



Absolut Vodka, Soda, Limonata, Limone

absolut kurant apple cooler against white backgroundabsolut kurant apple cooler against white background

Absolut Kurant Apple Cooler

Absolut Kurant Apple Cooler

Absolut Kurant, Succo di mela, Soda, Liquore alla mora, Lime

gentle sea breeze in environmentgentle sea breeze in environment

Gentle Sea Breeze

Gentle Sea Breeze

Succo di mirtillo rosso, Succo di pompelmo, Lime

absolut cilantro paloma against white backgroundabsolut cilantro paloma against white background

Absolut Cilantro Paloma

Absolut Cilantro Paloma

Absolut Cilantro, Succo di pompelmo, Succo di lime, Soda al pompelmo, Pompelmo

belmont breeze against white backgroundbelmont breeze against white background

Belmont Breeze

Belmont Breeze

Rye Whiskey, Succo d’arancia, Sherry, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Soda, Limone, Fogliolina di menta, Fragola

remsen cooler against white backgroundremsen cooler against white background

Remsen Cooler

Remsen Cooler

Scotch Whisky, Soda, Limone

absolut on the liloabsolut on the lilo

Absolut On the Lilo

Absolut On the Lilo

Absolut Vanilia, Succo di mela, Ginger ale, Liquore alla pesca, Lime

ruby skye against white backgroundruby skye against white background

Ruby Skye

Ruby Skye

Absolut Ruby Red, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Succo di pompelmo, Succo d’ananas, Rosmarino

absolut cilantro mary against white backgroundabsolut cilantro mary against white background

Absolut Cilantro Mary

Absolut Cilantro Mary

Absolut Cilantro, Succo di pomodoro, Salsa Worcester, Salsa piccante, Sale, Pepe Nero Macinato, Coriandolo

absolut hot black rasp against white backgroundabsolut hot black rasp against white background

Absolut Hot Black Rasp

Absolut Hot Black Rasp

Absolut Raspberri, Sciroppo di more, Succo di mirtillo rosso (caldo), Arancia

devonia against white backgrounddevonia against white background



Gin, Bitter all’arancia, Sidro

l.o smith punch against white backgroundl.o smith punch against white background

L.O Smith Punch

L.O Smith Punch

Absolut Vodka, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Fragola, Soda

summer smash against white backgroundsummer smash against white background

Summer Smash

Summer Smash

Cognac, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Liquore di lamponi neri, Limone, Fogliolina di menta, Lampone

absolut beet collinsabsolut beet collins

Absolut Beet Collins

Absolut Beet Collins

Absolut Vodka, Succo di lime, Succo di barbabietola, Sciroppo, Soda di lamponi, Limone

absolut blue pearl against white backgroundabsolut blue pearl against white background

Absolut Blue Pearl

Absolut Blue Pearl

Absolut Kurant, Blue Curaçao, Succo di limone, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Limone

viagara against white backgroundviagara against white background



Absolut Vodka, Succo di limone, Ginger beer, Fogliolina di menta

absolut apeach squeeze against white backgroundabsolut apeach squeeze against white background

Absolut Apeach Squeeze

Absolut Apeach Squeeze

Absolut Apeach, Limonata, Limone

free silver against white backgroundfree silver against white background

Free Silver

Free Silver

Gin (old Tom), Rum scuro di tipo giamaicano, Latte, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Soda

absolut studio against white backgroundabsolut studio against white background

Absolut Studio

Absolut Studio

Absolut Vodka, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Arancia