coffee with gianni in environment
coffee with gianni in environment

Coffee With Gianni

Sciroppo, Cold Brew Coffee, Absolut Grapefruit, Pompelmo

4.65 from 12 votes


Come mixare

Riempire con cubetti di ghiaccio un miscelatore. Aggiungere tutti gli ingredienti. Mescolare e filtrare in un tumbler basso ghiacciato. Decorare con pompelmo.

'Ciò che non sai sul drink Coffee With Gianni

The grapefruit zest isn't just there to look pretty! Make sure to give the zest a squeeze over the drinking glass before serving to make sure that all those aromatic oils land in your drink rather than on your work surface!

Valuta la ricetta

Sciroppo Cold Brew Coffee Absolut Grapefruit Pompelmo