Bebidas y cócteles con Jerez

Aunque proviene de España, actualmente el jerez se produce en todo el mundo. Se trata de un vino fortificado, normalmente seco. Combina bien con delicias picantes y es más común en recetas de bebidas de lo que se suele pensar.

greenbriar against white backgroundgreenbriar against white background



Vermú Seco, Jerez, Bíter de Melocotón, Hoja de Menta

hotcha against white backgroundhotcha against white background



Ron Blanco, Jerez

morning star against white backgroundmorning star against white background

Morning Star

Morning Star

Ron Blanco, Jerez, Almíbar, Yema de Huevo

venetian beauty against white backgroundvenetian beauty against white background

Venetian Beauty

Venetian Beauty

Whisky Escocés, Brandy de Cereza, Jerez, Cereza Al Maraschino, Piña

shoot, the against white backgroundshoot, the against white background

Shoot, The

Shoot, The

Whisky Escocés, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Naranja, Almíbar, Jerez

new fashioned against white backgroundnew fashioned against white background

New Fashioned

New Fashioned

Absolut Vodka, Jerez, Limón

mabouhay against white backgroundmabouhay against white background



Bourbon, Jerez, Vermú (dulce), Bíter de Naranja, Cereza Al Maraschino

quarter deck no. 1 against white backgroundquarter deck no. 1 against white background

Quarter Deck No. 1

Quarter Deck No. 1

Ron Oscuro Jamaicano, Jerez, Zumo de Lima

château de st. christophe against white backgroundchâteau de st. christophe against white background

Château de ST. Christophe

Château de ST. Christophe

Bourbon, Cordial Médoc, Jerez

château de chatel against white backgroundchâteau de chatel against white background

Château de Chatel

Château de Chatel

Vermú Seco, Jerez, Bíter de Naranja