michelada in environment
michelada in environment


Chili Lime Seasoning, Zumo De Tomate, Zumo De Lima, Salsa Picante, Soy Sauce, Cerveza, Lima

3.85 from 21 votes


Cómo hacer la mezcla

Llenar un vaso de tubo con hielo. Añadir chili lime seasoning, zumo de tomate, zumo de lima, salsa picante y soy sauce. Rellénalo con cerveza. Decorar con lima.

Acerca de Michelada

The Michelada recipe, much like the Bloody Mary, is very open to interpretation and should always be made to taste. Want something spicier? Use more hot sauce. Want something saltier? Add a pinch of salt. Think it would taste good with some chopped cilantro? Go for it! The recipe above is a great place to start, but what matters most in the end is that you like it, so make sure to experiment!

Califica esta receta

Chili Lime Seasoning Zumo De Tomate Zumo De Lima Salsa Picante Soy Sauce Cerveza Lima