Bebidas y cócteles transparente

Clear drinks and cocktails to match your mood or party theme. Clear drinks are great to serve on New Year's Eve and at cocktail parties. The common ingredients in clear drinks and cocktails are vodka, gin, and soda water. Common clear cocktails include a Martini and Vodka Martini and a Dirty Martini.

absolut mandrin white cosmopolitan against white backgroundabsolut mandrin white cosmopolitan against white background

Absolut Mandrin White Cosmopolitan

Absolut Mandrin White Cosmopolitan

Absolut Mandrin, Triple Seco, Zumo de Lima, Zumo de Arándano Blanco, Naranja

chocolate martini in environmentchocolate martini in environment

Chocolate Martini

Chocolate Martini

Absolut Vodka, Licor de Chocolate Blanco, Almendra

king alphonse shot against white backgroundking alphonse shot against white background

King Alphonse Shot

King Alphonse Shot

Nata, Licor de Cacao Blanco

bon jour paris against white backgroundbon jour paris against white background

Bon Jour Paris

Bon Jour Paris

Vermú Seco, Pastis, Anís, Zumo de Lima, Chartreuse Amarillo

absolut raspberri berry bite against white backgroundabsolut raspberri berry bite against white background

Absolut Raspberri Berry Bite

Absolut Raspberri Berry Bite

Absolut Raspberri

absolut citron with tonic in environmentabsolut citron with tonic in environment

Absolut Citron with Tonic

Absolut Citron with Tonic

Absolut Citron, Tónica, Albahaca

copper cup #16copper cup #16

Copper Cup #16

Copper Cup #16

Absolut Elyx, Concentrado de maracuyá, Fresh Homemade Vanilla Cordial, Champán, Fruta de la Pasión, Hoja de Menta

100 cucumber infused martini in environment100 cucumber infused martini in environment

100 Cucumber infused Martini

100 Cucumber infused Martini

Absolut 100, Sake, Almíbar, Pepino

absolut soda spinfusion  in environmentabsolut soda spinfusion  in environment

Absolut Soda Spinfusion

Absolut Soda Spinfusion

Absolut Vodka, Soda, Lima

vodka iceberg in environmentvodka iceberg in environment

Vodka Iceberg

Vodka Iceberg

Absolut Vodka, Pastis

vodka cocktail 2 against white backgroundvodka cocktail 2 against white background

Vodka Cocktail 2

Vodka Cocktail 2

Absolut Vodka, Brandy de Cereza

new york mule against white backgroundnew york mule against white background

New York Mule

New York Mule

Absolut Citron, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Limón, Lima

mango fizz against white backgroundmango fizz against white background

Mango Fizz

Mango Fizz

Absolut Mango, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Tónica, Mango

peachy fizz shooter against white backgroundpeachy fizz shooter against white background

Peachy Fizz Shooter

Peachy Fizz Shooter

Absolut Apeach, Refresco de Saúco, Almíbar, Soda

absolut vanilia colibri against white backgroundabsolut vanilia colibri against white background

Absolut Vanilia Colibri

Absolut Vanilia Colibri

Absolut Vanilia, Sirope de Coco, Nata

absolut raspberri thrill against white backgroundabsolut raspberri thrill against white background

Absolut Raspberri Thrill

Absolut Raspberri Thrill

Absolut Raspberri, Soda, Naranja, Frambuesa

bulldog against white backgroundbulldog against white background



Ron Blanco, Brandy de Cereza, Zumo de Lima

honeybuckle against white backgroundhoneybuckle against white background



Ron Blanco, Zumo de Lima, Miel Líquida

choc & nut martini against white backgroundchoc & nut martini against white background

Choc & Nut Martini

Choc & Nut Martini

Absolut Vodka, Licor de Avellana, Licor de Chocolate Blanco

fascinator against white backgroundfascinator against white background



Ginebra, Vermú Seco, Pastis, Hoja de Menta

vanilia sensation against white backgroundvanilia sensation against white background

Vanilia Sensation

Vanilia Sensation

Absolut Vanilia, Vermú Seco, Sirope de Manzana Verde, Manzana, Vainilla

absolut cherrys soda against white backgroundabsolut cherrys soda against white background

Absolut Cherrys Soda

Absolut Cherrys Soda

Absolut Cherrys, Soda, Zumo de Lima, Lima, Cereza

raspberry cocktail in environmentraspberry cocktail in environment

Raspberry Cocktail

Raspberry Cocktail

Vermú Seco, Ginebra, Vermú (dulce), Frambuesa

knickerbocker martini against white backgroundknickerbocker martini against white background

Knickerbocker Martini

Knickerbocker Martini

Vermú Seco, Ginebra, Bíter de Naranja