Bebidas y cócteles transparente

Clear drinks and cocktails to match your mood or party theme. Clear drinks are great to serve on New Year's Eve and at cocktail parties. The common ingredients in clear drinks and cocktails are vodka, gin, and soda water. Common clear cocktails include a Martini and Vodka Martini and a Dirty Martini.

big apple in environmentbig apple in environment

Big Apple

Big Apple

Absolut Elyx, Ginger Beer, Jerez, "crème de Cassis", Zumo de Manzana, Zumo de Lima, Manzana

absolut marocchino martiniabsolut marocchino martini

Absolut Marocchino Martini

Absolut Marocchino Martini

Absolut Vodka, Licor de Almendra, Grano de Café, Almíbar, Bíter de Chocolate

gangadine against white backgroundgangadine against white background



Ginebra, "crème de Menthe" (blanca), Pastis, Granadina

absolut raspberri splash against white backgroundabsolut raspberri splash against white background

Absolut Raspberri Splash

Absolut Raspberri Splash

Absolut Raspberri, Licor de Manzana, Zumo de Pomelo, Manzana, Frambuesa




Absolut Elyx, Zumo de Pera, Té Lapsang Souchong frío, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Calvados, Esencia de pera, Limón deshidratado

absolut twist in environmentabsolut twist in environment

Absolut Twist

Absolut Twist

Absolut Vodka, Limón, Azúcar Extrafino, Tónica, Lima

absolut pineapple shooter against white backgroundabsolut pineapple shooter against white background

Absolut Pineapple Shooter

Absolut Pineapple Shooter

Absolut Citron, Almíbar, Piña

a glass of water against white backgrounda glass of water against white background

A glass of water

A glass of water


absolut watermelon and tonicabsolut watermelon and tonic

Absolut Watermelon and Tonic

Absolut Watermelon and Tonic

Absolut Watermelon, Tónica, Sandía, Lima

gästis highball in environmentgästis highball in environment

Gästis Highball

Gästis Highball

Aquavit, Soda, Limón

hawaii fizz against white backgroundhawaii fizz against white background

Hawaii Fizz

Hawaii Fizz

Absolut Mandrin, Tónica, Zumo de Piña, Lima, Piña

vodkatini in environmentvodkatini in environment



Absolut Vodka, Vermú Seco, Aceituna Verde, Peladura de limón

magnolia blossom against white backgroundmagnolia blossom against white background

Magnolia Blossom

Magnolia Blossom

Ginebra, Nata, Zumo de Limón, Licor de Piña, Granadina

absolut juice apple and tonic against white backgroundabsolut juice apple and tonic against white background

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple, Tónica, Manzana

absolut apple juice mule absolut apple juice mule

Absolut Apple Juice Mule

Absolut Apple Juice Mule

Absolut Juice Apple, Ginger-ale, Limonada, Bíter, Lima

gibson in environmentgibson in environment



Ginebra, Vermú Seco, Cebolla Perla

corpse reviver no 3 against white backgroundcorpse reviver no 3 against white background

Corpse Reviver No 3

Corpse Reviver No 3

Ginebra, Punsch Sueco, Triple Seco, Zumo de Limón, Absenta, Peladura de limón

absolut and soda against white backgroundabsolut and soda against white background

Absolut and Soda

Absolut and Soda

Absolut Vodka, Soda, Lima

raspberry mule in environmentraspberry mule in environment

Raspberry Mule

Raspberry Mule

Absolut Raspberri, Ginger Beer, Zumo de Lima, Frambuesa, Limón

malibu sherbet against white backgroundmalibu sherbet against white background

Malibu Sherbet

Malibu Sherbet

Malibú, Curaçao de Naranja, Zumo de Pomelo

bahamas highball against white backgroundbahamas highball against white background

Bahamas Highball

Bahamas Highball

Ginebra, Vermú Seco, Tónica, Limón

absolut vodka gimlet in environmentabsolut vodka gimlet in environment

Absolut Vodka Gimlet

Absolut Vodka Gimlet

Absolut Vodka, Refresco de Lima, Lima

absolut mango pineapple against white backgroundabsolut mango pineapple against white background

Absolut Mango Pineapple

Absolut Mango Pineapple

Absolut Mango, Almíbar, Piña

absolut litchi shooter against white backgroundabsolut litchi shooter against white background

Absolut Litchi Shooter

Absolut Litchi Shooter

Absolut Mandrin, Zumo de Lima, Lichi