饮料和鸡尾酒 菠萝

菠萝的德文名字是“Ananas”,在图皮语中意味“极好的”。虽然新鲜菠萝是“极好的”,不过菠萝皮却没那么好削。记得要用锋利的刀来削菠萝皮! (小常识 1: 菠萝皮表面的鳞片都是以斐波那契数列的规则排列的。(小常识 2: 菠萝可重达九磅!) 菠萝叶是一种不错的装饰,但不可食用。

hock cup against white backgroundhock cup against white background

Hock Cup

Hock Cup

白葡萄酒, 苏打水, 菠萝汁, 黑樱桃力娇酒, 橙汁, 橙子, 菠萝

brassy blond against white backgroundbrassy blond against white background

Brassy Blond

Brassy Blond

绝对风味伏特加(柠檬味), 菠萝汁, 橙皮力娇酒, 菠萝

pineapple cooler in environmentpineapple cooler in environment

Pineapple Cooler

Pineapple Cooler

菠萝汁, 苏打水, 柠檬汁, 黑胡椒粉, 柠檬, 菠萝

the pin upthe pin up

The Pin Up

The Pin Up

绝对狂欢节限量版, 香草糖浆, 菠萝

coctel nacional against white backgroundcoctel nacional against white background

Coctel Nacional

Coctel Nacional

淡色朗姆酒, 杏子白兰地, 菠萝汁, 柠檬汁, 菠萝

absolut berri açai sour against white backgroundabsolut berri açai sour against white background

Absolut Berri Açai Sour

Absolut Berri Açai Sour

绝对风味伏特加(巴西莓味), 菠萝, 超细蔗糖, 柠檬, 蓝莓

west indian cooler against white backgroundwest indian cooler against white background

West Indian Cooler

West Indian Cooler

橙汁, 菠萝汁, 苏打水, 菠萝

absolut tropic against white backgroundabsolut tropic against white background

Absolut Tropic

Absolut Tropic

绝对风味伏特加(巴西莓味), 菠萝汁, 柠檬, 超细蔗糖, 菠萝

san francisco against white backgroundsan francisco against white background

San Francisco

San Francisco

绝对伏特加原味, 橙汁, 菠萝汁, 橙皮力娇酒, 香蕉利口酒, 红石榴糖浆, 菠萝

royal drink against white backgroundroyal drink against white background

Royal Drink

Royal Drink

橙子柑香酒, 白葡萄酒, 香槟, 菠萝, 草莓

rote perle against white backgroundrote perle against white background

Rote Perle

Rote Perle

黑莓力娇酒, 香槟, 菠萝

mai-tai special against white backgroundmai-tai special against white background

Mai-tai Special

Mai-tai Special

古巴陈酿朗姆酒, 牙买加黑朗姆酒, 淡色朗姆酒, 柠檬汁, 橙汁, 菠萝汁, 橙子柑香酒, 简易糖浆, 酒浸樱桃, 橙子, 菠萝

marvel sling against white backgroundmarvel sling against white background

Marvel Sling

Marvel Sling

金酒, 柠檬汁, 芒果汁, 罗望子汁, 苦味酒, 苏打水, 酒浸樱桃, 菠萝

absolut ruby pineapple  against white backgroundabsolut ruby pineapple  against white background

Absolut Ruby Pineapple

Absolut Ruby Pineapple

绝对风味伏特加(红柚味), 菠萝汁, 超细蔗糖, 菠萝

absolut cinnamon against white backgroundabsolut cinnamon against white background

Absolut Cinnamon

Absolut Cinnamon

绝对风味伏特加(香草味), 菠萝, 超细蔗糖, 肉桂

amber glow against white backgroundamber glow against white background

Amber Glow

Amber Glow

淡色朗姆酒, 金酒, 青柠汁, 红石榴糖浆, 苏打水, 菠萝

luscious laura against white backgroundluscious laura against white background

Luscious Laura

Luscious Laura

金酒, 阿佩罗, 百香果糖浆, 百香果, 菠萝

batida rosa against white backgroundbatida rosa against white background

Batida Rosa

Batida Rosa

卡沙萨酒, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆, 红石榴糖浆, 苏打水, 菠萝

baby cocktail against white backgroundbaby cocktail against white background

Baby Cocktail

Baby Cocktail

奶油, 菠萝汁, 菠萝

yang tze in environmentyang tze in environment

Yang Tze

Yang Tze

绝对伏特加原味, 加利安奴酒, 青柠汁, 蛋白, 橙皮力娇酒, 菠萝

pineapple fizz against white backgroundpineapple fizz against white background

Pineapple Fizz

Pineapple Fizz

淡色朗姆酒, 菠萝汁, 简易糖浆, 苏打水, 菠萝

frozen matador against white backgroundfrozen matador against white background

Frozen Matador

Frozen Matador

白色龙舌兰, 菠萝汁, 青柠汁, 菠萝

absolut fresh against white backgroundabsolut fresh against white background

Absolut Fresh

Absolut Fresh

绝对风味伏特加(巴西莓味), 柠檬汁, 菠萝, 超细蔗糖

absolut pineapple fusion against white backgroundabsolut pineapple fusion against white background

Absolut Pineapple Fusion

Absolut Pineapple Fusion

绝对风味伏特加(柠檬味), 菠萝, 超细蔗糖