Bebidas e coquetéis com Gengibre

Um dos temperos culinários mais comuns do mundo, também é um ótimo componente para misturar e guarnição. Apenas não exagere!

absolut vanilia snap against white backgroundabsolut vanilia snap against white background

Absolut Vanilia Snap

Absolut Vanilia Snap

Absolut Vanilia, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão




Absolut Lime, Água com gás, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Suco de Limão, Pepino

cranapple breeze against white backgroundcranapple breeze against white background

Cranapple Breeze

Cranapple Breeze

Absolut Citron, Suco de maçã, recém preparado, Suco de cranberry, Triple Sec, Suco de Limão, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão

absolut wild tea with ginger ale absolut wild tea with ginger ale

Absolut Wild Tea With Ginger Ale

Absolut Wild Tea With Ginger Ale

Absolut Wild Tea, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão

floradora against white backgroundfloradora against white background



Gim, Suco de Limão, Compota de framboesa, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão, Framboesa

presbyterian against white backgroundpresbyterian against white background



Uísque escocês, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre)

bermuda highball against white backgroundbermuda highball against white background

Bermuda Highball

Bermuda Highball

Conhaque, Gim, Vermute seco, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão

boh-leh against white backgroundboh-leh against white background



Chá, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples, Citronela, Gengibre, Canudo

ginger galore against white backgroundginger galore against white background

Ginger Galore

Ginger Galore

Absolut Äpple, Suco de lichia, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples, Gengibre, Maracujá

absolut kreuzberger schraubeabsolut kreuzberger schraube

Absolut Kreuzberger Schraube

Absolut Kreuzberger Schraube

Absolut Vodka, Licor herbático, Pepino, Laranja, Limão, Folha de hortelã, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre)

strange weather against white backgroundstrange weather against white background

Strange Weather

Strange Weather

Gim, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Licor de melão, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre)

absolut wild muleabsolut wild mule

Absolut Wild Mule

Absolut Wild Mule

Absolut Wild Tea, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Suco de Limão, Limão

absolut gingerpear martini against white backgroundabsolut gingerpear martini against white background

Absolut Gingerpear Martini

Absolut Gingerpear Martini

Absolut Pears, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Gengibre

the thanksgiving punch against white backgroundthe thanksgiving punch against white background

The Thanksgiving Punch

The Thanksgiving Punch

Suco de cranberry, Limonada, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão

absolut ginger against white backgroundabsolut ginger against white background

Absolut Ginger

Absolut Ginger

Absolut Vodka, Limão, Gengibre (triturado), Açúcar, ultrarrefinado, Gengibre

absolut blueyabsolut bluey

Absolut Bluey

Absolut Bluey

Absolut Vodka, Suco de Limão, Xarope de amêndoas de orchata, Curaçao Blue, Gengibre, Folha de hortelã

mamie’s southern sister. against white backgroundmamie’s southern sister. against white background

Mamie’s Southern SISTER.

Mamie’s Southern SISTER.

Bourbon, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão

juxtaposer against white backgroundjuxtaposer against white background



Suco de Limão, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Suco de maçã, Limão

virgin cup no.1 against white backgroundvirgin cup no.1 against white background

Virgin Cup No.1

Virgin Cup No.1

Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Suco de Limão, Manjericão, Pepino, Folha de hortelã

apple pilar against white backgroundapple pilar against white background

Apple Pilar

Apple Pilar

Suco de maçã, Xarope simples, Folha de hortelã, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre)

absolut high tea against white backgroundabsolut high tea against white background

Absolut High Tea

Absolut High Tea

Absolut Apeach, Mel líquido, Chá (quente), Laranja, Gengibre

the clover against white backgroundthe clover against white background

The Clover

The Clover

Absolut 100, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão

absolutismo against white backgroundabsolutismo against white background



Absolut Kurant, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Morango, Folha de hortelã, Gengibre

scotchman cooler against white backgroundscotchman cooler against white background

Scotchman Cooler

Scotchman Cooler

Uísque escocês, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Bebida tipo Bitter, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Laranja