Bebidas e coquetéis com Absolut Vodka

Absolut Vodka tem um sabor profundo, é suave e moderado com uma característica distinta de grão. Absolut Vodka é ótimo puro e gelado, com gelo ou como base para centenas de bebidas e coquetéis.

barbara against white backgroundbarbara against white background



Absolut Vodka, Creme de leite, Licor Kahlúa

absolut solstice against white backgroundabsolut solstice against white background

Absolut Solstice

Absolut Solstice

Absolut Vodka, Suco de maçã, recém preparado, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples

goddaughter against white backgroundgoddaughter against white background



Absolut Vodka, Amaretto, Creme de leite

mind eraser in environmentmind eraser in environment

Mind Eraser

Mind Eraser

Absolut Vodka, Licor Kahlúa, Água com gás

cowboy’s delight against white backgroundcowboy’s delight against white background

Cowboy’s Delight

Cowboy’s Delight

Absolut Vodka, Bourbon, Vermute seco, Bebida tipo Bitter, Azeitonas verdes

friendship seven against white backgroundfriendship seven against white background

Friendship Seven

Friendship Seven

Absolut Vodka, Vermute, doce, Licor de cereja, Raspas de limão

peaches against white backgroundpeaches against white background



Absolut Vodka, Compota de pêssego, Licor de pêssego, Creme de leite, Pêssego

absolut pear appeal against white backgroundabsolut pear appeal against white background

Absolut Pear Appeal

Absolut Pear Appeal

Absolut Vodka, Suco de pera, Água com gás, Laranja

diablo rouge against white backgrounddiablo rouge against white background

Diablo Rouge

Diablo Rouge

Absolut Vodka, Suco de abacaxi, Licor de cassis

bling out against white backgroundbling out against white background

Bling Out

Bling Out

Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope de açafrão, Triple Sec, Suco de laranja

recall against white backgroundrecall against white background



Absolut Vodka, Brandy de damasco, Suco de laranja, Groselha, Xarope de maracujá, Maçã, Kiwi, Cereja marrasquino, Folha de hortelã

la manga against white backgroundla manga against white background

la Manga

la Manga

Absolut Vodka, Brandy de cereja, Vermute, doce, Laranja

grand duchess against white backgroundgrand duchess against white background

Grand Duchess

Grand Duchess

Absolut Vodka, Rum escuro da Jamaica, Suco de Limão, Groselha

anno 1960 against white backgroundanno 1960 against white background

Anno 1960

Anno 1960

Absolut Vodka, Vermute seco, Campari

noak against white backgroundnoak against white background



Absolut Vodka, Creme de leite, Licor Galliano, Suco de Limão

absolut apple sweety against white backgroundabsolut apple sweety against white background

Absolut Apple Sweety

Absolut Apple Sweety

Absolut Vodka, Chá Gelado de Maçã, Licor de baunilha, Maçã

mar de san remo against white backgroundmar de san remo against white background

Mar de San Remo

Mar de San Remo

Absolut Vodka, Rum claro, Curaçao Blue

a twist of level against white backgrounda twist of level against white background

A Twist of Level

A Twist of Level

Absolut Vodka, Vermute seco

almond martini against white backgroundalmond martini against white background

Almond Martini

Almond Martini

Absolut Vodka, Suco de maçã, recém preparado, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope de amêndoas de orchata, Licor amargo de pêssego, Amêndoa

absolut irisabsolut iris

Absolut Iris

Absolut Iris

Absolut Vodka, Triple Sec, Suco de Limão, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Licor amargo de laranja, Bebida tipo Bitter

liscious against white backgroundliscious against white background



Absolut Vodka, Licor de cassis, Suco de cranberry, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Refrigerante de Limão

red earl martini against white backgroundred earl martini against white background

Red Earl Martini

Red Earl Martini

Absolut Vodka, Limoncello, Xarope simples, Framboesa

kosakenblut against white backgroundkosakenblut against white background



Absolut Vodka, Café, Vinho tinto, Xarope simples

arctic against white backgroundarctic against white background



Absolut Vodka, Licor de chocolate branco, Licor de mandarina, Licor amargo de laranja, Cereja marrasquino, Folha de hortelã