Bevande e cocktail con Vino frizzante

Il vino frizzante aggiunge un tocco glamour. Lo champagne è certamente il re delle bollicine, ma nei cocktail e nei drink andranno bene anche altri tipi.

absolut watermelon spritz in environmentabsolut watermelon spritz in environment

Absolut Watermelon Spritz

Absolut Watermelon Spritz

Absolut Watermelon, Vino frizzante, Sciroppo, Anguria, Fogliolina di menta

absolut sparkling ice in environmentabsolut sparkling ice in environment

Absolut Sparkling Ice

Absolut Sparkling Ice

Absolut Vodka, Vino frizzante

absolut juice pear and elderflower spritz against white backgroundabsolut juice pear and elderflower spritz against white background

Absolut Juice Pear and Elderflower Spritz

Absolut Juice Pear and Elderflower Spritz

Absolut Juice Pear and Elderflower, Soda, Vino frizzante, Pera

 absolut juice apple spritz in environment absolut juice apple spritz in environment

Absolut Juice Apple Spritz

Absolut Juice Apple Spritz

Absolut Juice Apple, Soda, Vino frizzante, Mela

absolut sangria rosada against white backgroundabsolut sangria rosada against white background

Absolut Sangria Rosada

Absolut Sangria Rosada

Absolut Cilantro, Vino frizzante, Succo di melagrana, Succo di lime, Arancia

absolut melon cup against white backgroundabsolut melon cup against white background

Absolut Melon Cup

Absolut Melon Cup

Absolut Vodka, Sciroppo, Liquore di melone, Melone, Vino frizzante

elevated screwdriver against white backgroundelevated screwdriver against white background

Elevated Screwdriver

Elevated Screwdriver

Absolut Vodka, Succo d’arancia, Vino frizzante

absolut gräpe coolerabsolut gräpe cooler

Absolut Gräpe Cooler

Absolut Gräpe Cooler

Absolut Apeach, Triple Sec, Succo di limone, Vino frizzante, Arancia, Lime, Limone

absolut hibiskus bubbles against white backgroundabsolut hibiskus bubbles against white background

Absolut Hibiskus Bubbles

Absolut Hibiskus Bubbles

Absolut Hibiskus, Vino frizzante, Succo di melagrana, Ciliegia

absolut long passionstar in environmentabsolut long passionstar in environment

Absolut Long Passionstar

Absolut Long Passionstar

Absolut Vanilia, Succo al frutto della passione, Sciroppo, Succo di limone, Vino frizzante, Ananas