raspberry summer punch against white background

Raspberry Summer Punch

Absolut Vodka, Liquore Di Ribes Nero, Purea Di Lamponi, Succo Di Limone, Sciroppo, Champagne, Mora

3 from 310 votes


Come mixare

Riempire con ghiaccio tritato un bicchiere highball. Aggiungere Absolut Vodka, liquore di ribes nero, purea di lamponi, succo di limone e sciroppo. Mescolare. Completare con champagne. Decorare con un mora.

'Ciò che non sai sul drink Raspberry Summer Punch

Drinks on a picnic? Good idea, but keeping them cold can be hard. Here is a tip to make them as neat as home: Bring all ingredients separately, and don't mix until just before the drinks are served. Going somewhere where you can buy ice? Buy it there! If not, the key is to bring plenty, keep it as cold as possible, and strain the water off before mixing.

Valuta la ricetta

Absolut Vodka Liquore Di Ribes Nero Purea Di Lamponi Succo Di Limone Sciroppo Champagne Mora