Bebidas y cócteles con Vodka

Vodka is a clear, distilled spirit that originates from the countries within the “Vodka Belt” of Europe. Traditionally, Vodka is made from fermented and distilled cereal grains, and in our case, winter wheat from the fields surrounding Åhus. In home bartending, Vodka is used to make famous drinks like the Cosmopolitan, Moscow Mule, Bloody Mary, and White Russian among many other modern classics.

absolut grapevine collins against white backgroundabsolut grapevine collins against white background

Absolut Grapevine Collins

Absolut Grapevine Collins

Absolut Apeach, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Soda, Limón




Absolut Citron, Vermú Rojo, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Peychaud's bitters, Bíter de Naranja, Pomelo

absolut wild tea gimlet against white backgroundabsolut wild tea gimlet against white background

Absolut Wild Tea Gimlet

Absolut Wild Tea Gimlet

Absolut Wild Tea, Almíbar, Zumo de Lima

absolut apeach mango against white backgroundabsolut apeach mango against white background

Absolut Apeach Mango

Absolut Apeach Mango

Absolut Apeach, Mango, Azúcar Extrafino, Licor de Melocotón

absolut berry ball against white backgroundabsolut berry ball against white background

Absolut Berry Ball

Absolut Berry Ball

Absolut Kurant, Almíbar, Soda de Frambuesa, Mora, Frambuesa

absolut vanilia citrus kick against white backgroundabsolut vanilia citrus kick against white background

Absolut Vanilia Citrus Kick

Absolut Vanilia Citrus Kick

Absolut Vanilia, Triple Seco, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Limoncillo

czarina against white backgroundczarina against white background



Absolut Vodka, Brandy de Albaricoque, Vermú Seco, Bíter

golden tear against white backgroundgolden tear against white background

Golden Tear

Golden Tear

Absolut Citron, Vermú Seco, Licor de Canela, Limón, Naranja

ginger galore against white backgroundginger galore against white background

Ginger Galore

Ginger Galore

Absolut Äpple, Zumo de Lichi, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Jengíbre, Fruta de la Pasión

goddaughter against white backgroundgoddaughter against white background



Absolut Vodka, Amaretto, Nata

absolut vanilia celebration against white backgroundabsolut vanilia celebration against white background

Absolut Vanilia Celebration

Absolut Vanilia Celebration

Absolut Vanilia, Bíter de Naranja, Champán

saturn martini against white backgroundsaturn martini against white background

Saturn Martini

Saturn Martini

Absolut Vodka, Vino Blanco, Miel Líquida, Agua, Uva

mind eraser in environmentmind eraser in environment

Mind Eraser

Mind Eraser

Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa, Soda

lonesome road against white backgroundlonesome road against white background

Lonesome Road

Lonesome Road

Absolut Vodka, Vermú Seco, Zumo de Limón, Aceituna Verde

ruby passion martini against white backgroundruby passion martini against white background

Ruby Passion Martini

Ruby Passion Martini

Absolut Ruby Red, Fruta de la Pasión

aquabite against white backgroundaquabite against white background



Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Arándano, Zumo de Pomelo, Zumo de Lima, Triple Seco, Lima

berri açai caipiroska against white backgroundberri açai caipiroska against white background

Berri Açai Caipiroska

Berri Açai Caipiroska

Absolut Berri Açaí, Almíbar, Lima

blue ballets against white backgroundblue ballets against white background

Blue Ballets

Blue Ballets

Absolut Vanilia, Leche, Sirope de Arándano, Arándano

volgaschiffer in environmentvolgaschiffer in environment



Absolut Vodka, Brandy de Cereza, Zumo de Naranja, Naranja

absolut vanilia volcano against white backgroundabsolut vanilia volcano against white background

Absolut Vanilia Volcano

Absolut Vanilia Volcano

Absolut Vanilia, Sirope de Fresa, Licor de Avellana

absolut michelantroabsolut michelantro

Absolut Michelantro

Absolut Michelantro

Absolut Cilantro, Cerveza, Salsa Picante, Zumo de Lima, Sal, Lima

absolut peach fizzy in environmentabsolut peach fizzy in environment

Absolut Peach Fizzy

Absolut Peach Fizzy

Absolut Apeach, Soda, Melocotón

absolut gräpe sling against white backgroundabsolut gräpe sling against white background

Absolut Gräpe Sling

Absolut Gräpe Sling

Absolut Apeach, Zumo de Limón, Licor de Saúco, Almíbar, Soda, Limón, Cereza, Hoja de Menta

absolut watermelon cosmopolitan in environmentabsolut watermelon cosmopolitan in environment

Absolut Watermelon Cosmopolitan

Absolut Watermelon Cosmopolitan

Absolut Watermelon, Triple Seco, Zumo de Lima, Zumo de Arándano, Lima