How to make an espresso martini jelly shot
0.5 Cups Absolut Vodka0.5 Cups Absolut Vodka0.5 Cups Absolut Vodka
5 Teaspoons Instant Gelatin5 Teaspoons Instant Gelatin5 Teaspoons Instant Gelatin
1 Cup Coffee1 Cup Coffee1 Cup Coffee
0.5 Cups Kahlúa0.5 Cups Kahlúa0.5 Cups Kahlúa
0.5 Cups Cream0.5 Cups Cream0.5 Cups Cream
How to Make
This recipe makes approximately five shots.
- Bloom the Gelatin in cold Coffee for 5-10 min (room temperature).
- Heat the mixture in a microwave for 30 seconds, and mix until the Gelatin is completely dissolved. Add Absolut Vodka and Kahlúa, and stir. Pour into moulds, reserving a quarter for the foam.
- In a separate bowl, whisk cream until foamy. Carefully incorporate the reserved mixture without pushing the air out of the whipped cream. Whisk some more to reach the desired consistency.
- Carefully pour to layer the second mixture on top of the first. Use the back of a spoon to get perfect layers.
- Refrigerate for 2-3 hours to allow the jelly shots to set. Enjoy responsibly with friends!