饮料和鸡尾酒 薄荷叶


dying bastard against white backgrounddying bastard against white background

Dying Bastard

Dying Bastard

干邑白兰地, 金酒, 淡色朗姆酒, 姜汁汽水, 青柠汁, 苦味酒, 薄荷叶

copper cup #16copper cup #16

Copper Cup #16

Copper Cup #16

Absolut Elyx, 西番莲果泥, Fresh Homemade Vanilla Cordial, 香槟, 百香果, 薄荷叶

mountain air against white backgroundmountain air against white background

Mountain Air

Mountain Air

金酒, 西柚汁, 橙子柑香酒, 青柠, 薄荷叶

hazelito against white backgroundhazelito against white background



淡色朗姆酒, 榛子利口酒, 青柠汁, 简易糖浆, 薄荷叶

frisky bison against white backgroundfrisky bison against white background

Frisky Bison

Frisky Bison

野牛草风味伏特加, 鲜榨苹果汁, 苹果力娇酒, 青柠汁, 简易糖浆, 薄荷叶

lotus flower against white backgroundlotus flower against white background

Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower

瑞朴萨多龙舌兰, 番石榴汁, 薄荷叶

orange mojito against white backgroundorange mojito against white background

Orange Mojito

Orange Mojito

绝对风味伏特加(柑橘味), 淡色朗姆酒, 青柠汁, 简易糖浆, 柑橘利口酒, 薄荷叶

mandarino against white backgroundmandarino against white background



绝对伏特加原味, 柑橘利口酒, 简易糖浆, 青柠, 薄荷叶

absolut mint julep in environmentabsolut mint julep in environment

Absolut Mint Julep

Absolut Mint Julep

绝对伏特加原味, 薄荷叶, 超细蔗糖, 柠檬

absolut madam against white backgroundabsolut madam against white background

Absolut Madam

Absolut Madam

绝对风味伏特加(柠檬味), 青柠和柠檬草水, 蜜瓜利口酒, 西番莲果汁, 青柠甜酒, 薄荷叶, 橙子

absolut berlin sourabsolut berlin sour

Absolut Berlin Sour

Absolut Berlin Sour

绝对伏特加原味, 苹果汁, 香车叶草糖浆, 青柠汁, 苦艾酒, 薄荷叶

orient ice tea against white backgroundorient ice tea against white background

Orient Ice Tea

Orient Ice Tea

绝对风味伏特加(苹果味), 冰茶, 简易糖浆, 柠檬汁, 薄荷叶, 桃子

rubymenta against white backgroundrubymenta against white background



绝对风味伏特加(红柚味), 液体蜂蜜, 柠檬汁, 薄荷叶

absolut pineapple mint against white backgroundabsolut pineapple mint against white background

Absolut Pineapple Mint

Absolut Pineapple Mint

绝对伏特加原味, 菠萝, 薄荷叶, 超细蔗糖

passionfruit & peach iced tea in environmentpassionfruit & peach iced tea in environment

Passionfruit & Peach Iced Tea

Passionfruit & Peach Iced Tea

Absolut Passionfruit, 桃味冰茶, 柠檬, 薄荷叶

gin cobbler against white backgroundgin cobbler against white background

Gin Cobbler

Gin Cobbler

金酒, 超细蔗糖, 橙子, 柠檬, 青柠, 覆盆子, 苏打水, 菠萝, 薄荷叶

green tea and mango splash against white backgroundgreen tea and mango splash against white background

Green Tea and Mango Splash

Green Tea and Mango Splash

芒果汁, 绿茶, 薄荷叶, 芒果

shanghai fizz against white backgroundshanghai fizz against white background

Shanghai Fizz

Shanghai Fizz

金酒, 荔枝利口酒, 菠萝汁, 简易糖浆, 薄荷叶, 荔枝, 柠檬, 姜汁汽水

absolut vanilia flower against white backgroundabsolut vanilia flower against white background

Absolut Vanilia Flower

Absolut Vanilia Flower

绝对风味伏特加(香草味), 草莓糖浆, 芒果汁, 苏打水, 薄荷叶, 草莓

fascinator against white backgroundfascinator against white background



金酒, 干味苦艾酒, 法国茴香酒, 薄荷叶

ramona cocktail against white backgroundramona cocktail against white background

Ramona Cocktail

Ramona Cocktail

金酒, 柠檬汁, 红石榴糖浆, 薄荷叶

absolut cooler in environmentabsolut cooler in environment

Absolut Cooler

Absolut Cooler

绝对伏特加原味, 橙汁, 橙皮力娇酒, 柠檬青柠苏打水, 橙子, 薄荷叶

absolut alexabsolut alex

Absolut Alex

Absolut Alex

绝对伏特加原味, 白葡萄酒, 苏打水, 接骨木花水, 黄瓜, 薄荷叶, 青柠, 西柚

sudret iced tea against white backgroundsudret iced tea against white background

Sudret Iced Tea

Sudret Iced Tea

古巴陈酿朗姆酒, 柠檬冰茶, 青柠汁, 桃味糖浆, 简易糖浆, 薄荷叶, 苏打水