饮料和鸡尾酒 白兰地


dirty white mother against white backgrounddirty white mother against white background

Dirty White Mother

Dirty White Mother

白兰地, 奶油, 甘露咖啡力娇酒

sangria in environmentsangria in environment



白兰地, 红葡萄酒, 苏打水, 橙味力娇酒, 橙子, 苹果

cosmopolitan delight against white backgroundcosmopolitan delight against white background

Cosmopolitan Delight

Cosmopolitan Delight

白兰地, 柠檬汁, 橙子柑香酒, 简易糖浆, 红葡萄酒, Orgeat 杏仁糖浆, 酒浸樱桃, 橙子

winter milk against white backgroundwinter milk against white background

Winter Milk

Winter Milk

白兰地, 牛奶, 枫树糖浆

vincent blackvincent black

Vincent Black

Vincent Black

绝对伏特加原味, 白兰地, 枫树糖浆

nice pear against white backgroundnice pear against white background

Nice Pear

Nice Pear

白兰地, 甜苦艾酒, 威廉姆斯苹果梨利口酒, 雪梨

italian stinger against white backgrounditalian stinger against white background

Italian Stinger

Italian Stinger

白兰地, 加利安奴酒

happy honey cocktail against white backgroundhappy honey cocktail against white background

Happy Honey Cocktail

Happy Honey Cocktail

白兰地, 西柚汁, 液体蜂蜜

poop deck against white backgroundpoop deck against white background

Poop Deck

Poop Deck

黑莓白兰地, 白兰地, 红色波特酒

embassy cocktail against white backgroundembassy cocktail against white background

Embassy Cocktail

Embassy Cocktail

白兰地, 牙买加黑朗姆酒, 青柠汁, 橙皮力娇酒

fish house cocktail against white backgroundfish house cocktail against white background

Fish House Cocktail

Fish House Cocktail

牙买加黑朗姆酒, 白兰地, 桃味白兰地, 青柠汁, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆

dirty mother against white backgrounddirty mother against white background

Dirty Mother

Dirty Mother

白兰地, 甘露咖啡力娇酒

jaffa against white backgroundjaffa against white background



白兰地, 奶油, 棕可可利口酒, 柑橘利口酒, 橙子苦味酒, 巧克力

spiced sidecar against white backgroundspiced sidecar against white background

Spiced Sidecar

Spiced Sidecar

白兰地, 加香朗姆酒, 柠檬汁, 橙皮力娇酒, 柠檬

international stinger against white backgroundinternational stinger against white background

International Stinger

International Stinger

白兰地, 加利安奴酒, 芥末酱

crux cocktail against white backgroundcrux cocktail against white background

Crux Cocktail

Crux Cocktail

白兰地, 杜本内酒, 柠檬汁, 橙皮力娇酒

city slicker 2 against white backgroundcity slicker 2 against white background

City Slicker 2

City Slicker 2

白兰地, 柠檬汁, 橙皮力娇酒

scorpion against white backgroundscorpion against white background



淡色朗姆酒, 白兰地, 椰奶油, 牛奶, 香蕉, 酒浸樱桃, 菠萝

georgia mint julep against white backgroundgeorgia mint julep against white background

Georgia Mint Julep

Georgia Mint Julep

杏子白兰地, 白兰地, 简易糖浆, 薄荷叶

sling with brandy against white backgroundsling with brandy against white background

Sling With Brandy

Sling With Brandy

白兰地, 柠檬汁, 苦味酒, 水

zamboanga hummer against white backgroundzamboanga hummer against white background

Zamboanga Hummer

Zamboanga Hummer

古巴陈酿朗姆酒, 白兰地, 金酒, 橙汁, 菠萝汁, 柠檬汁, 橙皮力娇酒

from the rafters against white backgroundfrom the rafters against white background

From The Rafters

From The Rafters

白兰地, 菠萝汁, 橙皮力娇酒, 榛子利口酒, 酒浸樱桃

pica cocktail against white backgroundpica cocktail against white background

Pica Cocktail

Pica Cocktail

白兰地, 菠萝汁, 红石榴糖浆, 加利安奴酒, 橙子

black feather against white backgroundblack feather against white background

Black Feather

Black Feather

白兰地, 干味苦艾酒, 橙皮力娇酒, 苦味酒, 柠檬皮