Napoje i koktajle z Wiśnia

Wiśnie używane w 99 na 100 przepisów na drinki to wiśnie maraskino. Czasami jednak spotyka się i świeże owoce. Wówczas przed dodaniem ich do drinka konieczne jest usunięcie pestek.

hawaiian stone sour against white backgroundhawaiian stone sour against white background

Hawaiian Stone Sour

Hawaiian Stone Sour

Bourbon, Sok ananasowy, Sok z cytryny, Syrop cukrowy, Wiśnia, Ananas

cherry caipirinha against white backgroundcherry caipirinha against white background

Cherry Caipirinha

Cherry Caipirinha

Cachaca, Syrop cukrowy, Limonka, Wiśnia

kirschcobbler against white backgroundkirschcobbler against white background



Brandy wiśniowa, Sok wiśniowy, Woda gazowana, Wiśnia

roy rogers in environmentroy rogers in environment

Roy Rogers

Roy Rogers

Cola, Grenadyna, Cytryna, Wiśnia

agave collins against white backgroundagave collins against white background

Agave Collins

Agave Collins

Tequila Blanco, Sok z limonki, Likier Maraschino, Syrop brzoskwiniowy, Woda gazowana, Limonka, Wiśnia

manhattan (perfect) against white backgroundmanhattan (perfect) against white background

Manhattan (Perfect)

Manhattan (Perfect)

Żytnia whiskey, Wytrawny wermut, Słodki wermut, Bitter, Wiśnia, Skórka z cytryny

absolut blood and sand against white backgroundabsolut blood and sand against white background

Absolut Blood And Sand

Absolut Blood And Sand

Absolut Vodka, Słodki wermut, Likier wiśniowy, Sok pomarańczowy, Wiśnia

sensation against white backgroundsensation against white background



Sok z marchwi, Sok z marakui, Sok z cytryny, Sos Worcestershire, Płynny miód, Bazylia, Pomidor Cherry

absolut cherrys soda against white backgroundabsolut cherrys soda against white background

Absolut Cherrys Soda

Absolut Cherrys Soda

Absolut Cherrys, Woda gazowana, Sok z limonki, Limonka, Wiśnia

brandy sour against white backgroundbrandy sour against white background

Brandy Sour

Brandy Sour

Koniak, Sok z cytryny, Syrop cukrowy, Białko jajka, Cytryna, Wiśnia

absolut cherry dropabsolut cherry drop

Absolut Cherry Drop

Absolut Cherry Drop

Absolut Cherrys, Sok z cytryny, Syrop cukrowy, Wiśnia

cherry crush against white backgroundcherry crush against white background

Cherry Crush

Cherry Crush

Gin, Likier Maraschino, Sok z cytryny, Wiśnia

absolut black forestabsolut black forest

Absolut Black Forest

Absolut Black Forest

Absolut Cherrys, Mleko, Likier kakaowy ciemny

absolut berri honey against white backgroundabsolut berri honey against white background

Absolut Berri Honey

Absolut Berri Honey

Absolut Berri Açaí, Sok z cytryny, Płynny miód, Wiśnia

westindies special against white backgroundwestindies special against white background

Westindies Special

Westindies Special

Lekki rum, Kahlúa, Sos czekoladowy, Mleko, Wiśnia

elyx bloody mary in environmentelyx bloody mary in environment

Elyx Bloody Mary

Elyx Bloody Mary

Absolut Elyx, Sok pomidorowy, Sos Worcestershire, Sos chili, Sok z cytryny, Sól selerowa, Mielony czarny pieprz, Seler, Cytryna, Pomidor Cherry

glory cocktail against white backgroundglory cocktail against white background

Glory Cocktail

Glory Cocktail

Gin, Wytrawny wermut, Likier wiśniowy, Dubonnet, Słodki wermut, Wiśnia, Pomarańcza, Malina

claremont against white backgroundclaremont against white background



Bourbon, Woda gazowana, Orange Curacao, Bittersy pomarańczowe, Pomarańcza, Wiśnia

empire against white backgroundempire against white background



Gin, Brandy morelowa, Calvados, Wiśnia

fast mary against white backgroundfast mary against white background

Fast Mary

Fast Mary

Absolut Peppar, Pomidor Cherry

absolut hibiskus bubbles against white backgroundabsolut hibiskus bubbles against white background

Absolut Hibiskus Bubbles

Absolut Hibiskus Bubbles

Absolut Hibiskus, Wino musujące, Sok z granatu, Wiśnia

rob roy sweet against white backgroundrob roy sweet against white background

Rob Roy Sweet

Rob Roy Sweet

Żytnia whiskey, Słodki wermut, Bitter, Wiśnia




Absolut Vodka, Sok z granatu, Sok żurawinowy, Crème de Cassis, Sok z cytryny, Grenadyna, Wiśnia, Cytryna

roc-a-coe against white backgroundroc-a-coe against white background



Gin, Sherry, Wiśnia