Napoje i koktajle o smaku Owocowy

Aby uzyskać naprawdę owocowy smak drinka, musisz dodać – uwaga! – OWOCÓW. Rozgnieć owoce, aby wydobyć głębię ich smaku. Popularne drinki owocowe to tropikalne koktajle plażowe takie jak Pina Colada lub bardzo znany Sex on the Beach.

absolut sweetsop against white backgroundabsolut sweetsop against white background

Absolut Sweetsop

Absolut Sweetsop

Absolut Ruby Red, Figi (świeże), Cukier (drobny), Śmietanka z mleka kokosowego

absolut mango verde against white backgroundabsolut mango verde against white background

Absolut Mango Verde

Absolut Mango Verde

Absolut Cilantro, Sok z mango, Sok z limonki, Sos chili, Mango

sloe gin rickey against white backgroundsloe gin rickey against white background

Sloe Gin Rickey

Sloe Gin Rickey

Plymouth Sloe Gin, Sok z limonki, Woda gazowana, Limonka

west indian cooler against white backgroundwest indian cooler against white background

West Indian Cooler

West Indian Cooler

Sok pomarańczowy, Sok ananasowy, Woda gazowana, Ananas

absolut wilhelm tell against white backgroundabsolut wilhelm tell against white background

Absolut Wilhelm Tell

Absolut Wilhelm Tell

Absolut Kurant, Sok z limonki, Cydr

mayday martini against white backgroundmayday martini against white background

Mayday Martini

Mayday Martini

Absolut Vodka, Sok z cytryny, Syrop cynamonowy, Truskawka

party pooper against white backgroundparty pooper against white background

Party Pooper

Party Pooper

Sok żurawinowy, Sok z marakui, Sok z limonki, Malina

baby bellini against white backgroundbaby bellini against white background

Baby Bellini

Baby Bellini

Nektar brzoskwiniowy, Cydr

apeach temptationapeach temptation

Apeach Temptation

Apeach Temptation

Absolut Vodka, Absolut Apeach, Sok pomarańczowy, Syrop cukrowy, Sok z mango, Sok z cytryny, Banan, Liść mięty, Brzoskwinia

cardinal punch against white backgroundcardinal punch against white background

Cardinal Punch

Cardinal Punch

Sok żurawinowy, Ginger Ale, Sok pomarańczowy, Sok z cytryny, Cytryna, Pomarańcza

virgin san francisco against white backgroundvirgin san francisco against white background

Virgin San Francisco

Virgin San Francisco

Sok pomarańczowy, Sok ananasowy, Sok z cytryny, Grenadyna, Pomarańcza, Wisienka maraskino

absolut breakfast kurantiniabsolut breakfast kurantini

Absolut Breakfast Kurantini

Absolut Breakfast Kurantini

Absolut Kurant, Czarna porzeczka

absolut vanilia with cloudy apple juice against white backgroundabsolut vanilia with cloudy apple juice against white background

Absolut Vanilia with Cloudy Apple Juice

Absolut Vanilia with Cloudy Apple Juice

Absolut Vanilia, Sok jabłkowy, Cytryna

ruby strawberry against white backgroundruby strawberry against white background

Ruby Strawberry

Ruby Strawberry

Absolut Ruby Red, Truskawka

illusion in environmentillusion in environment



Absolut Vodka, Schnapps brzoskwiniowy, Sok żurawinowy, Sok pomarańczowy

absolut hanna wallbangerabsolut hanna wallbanger

Absolut Hanna Wallbanger

Absolut Hanna Wallbanger

Absolut Vodka, Galliano, Sok z marakui, Grejpfrut

brandy daisy against white backgroundbrandy daisy against white background

Brandy Daisy

Brandy Daisy

Koniak, Sok z cytryny, Grenadyna, Żółty Chartreuse

hunter against white backgroundhunter against white background



Żytnia whiskey, Brandy wiśniowa, Wisienka maraskino

gentle sea breeze in environmentgentle sea breeze in environment

Gentle Sea Breeze

Gentle Sea Breeze

Sok żurawinowy, Sok grejpfrutowy, Limonka

absolut red hot against white backgroundabsolut red hot against white background

Absolut Red Hot

Absolut Red Hot

Absolut Mandrin, Sok żurawinowy (na ciepło), Pomarańcza

absolut studio against white backgroundabsolut studio against white background

Absolut Studio

Absolut Studio

Absolut Vodka, Sok żurawinowy, Pomarańcza

vincent hannah against white backgroundvincent hannah against white background

Vincent Hannah

Vincent Hannah

Absolut Kurant, Sok żurawinowy, Limonka

let’s slide against white backgroundlet’s slide against white background

Let’s Slide

Let’s Slide

Koniak, Brandy z jeżyn, Czerwone porto

ruby passion martini against white backgroundruby passion martini against white background

Ruby Passion Martini

Ruby Passion Martini

Absolut Ruby Red, Marakuja