Bevande e cocktail con Scotch Whisky

Esistono quattro tipi di whisky diversi in Scozia: single malt, miscelato, vatted e single grain. Il primo è probabilmente il più noto e molto apprezzato tra gli esperti o se bevuto liscio.

penicillin in environmentpenicillin in environment



Scotch Whisky, Scotch single malt di Islay, Succo di limone, Sciroppo di miele, Succo di zenzero, Zenzero Candito

whisky smash in environmentwhisky smash in environment

Whisky smash

Whisky smash

Scotch Whisky, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Fogliolina di menta

absolut smoked pineapple in environmentabsolut smoked pineapple in environment

Absolut Smoked Pineapple

Absolut Smoked Pineapple

Absolut Vodka, Scotch Whisky, Sciroppo, Limone, Ananas, Sage

malibu gold cup against white backgroundmalibu gold cup against white background

Malibu Gold Cup

Malibu Gold Cup

Malibu Rum, Scotch Whisky, Purea di pesca, Scorza d’arancia

rusty nail in environmentrusty nail in environment

Rusty Nail

Rusty Nail

Scotch Whisky, Liquore a base di whisky e miele , Scorza di limone

chivas cooler against white backgroundchivas cooler against white background

Chivas Cooler

Chivas Cooler

Scotch Whisky, Ginger ale, Lime

blood and sand in environmentblood and sand in environment

Blood And Sand

Blood And Sand

Scotch Whisky, Liquore alla ciliegia, Succo d’arancia, Vermut dolce

gaelic coffee against white backgroundgaelic coffee against white background

Gaelic Coffee

Gaelic Coffee

Scotch Whisky, Caffè, Sciroppo, Panna

churchill cocktail against white backgroundchurchill cocktail against white background

Churchill Cocktail

Churchill Cocktail

Scotch Whisky, Succo di lime, Triple Sec, Vermut dolce

wembley against white backgroundwembley against white background



Vermut Secco, Scotch Whisky, Succo d’ananas

almond old fashioned against white backgroundalmond old fashioned against white background

Almond Old Fashioned

Almond Old Fashioned

Scotch Whisky, Sciroppo, Bitter all’arancia, Amaretto, Scorza d’arancia

whisky soda in environmentwhisky soda in environment

Whisky Soda

Whisky Soda

Scotch Whisky, Soda, Limone

scotch mist against white backgroundscotch mist against white background

Scotch Mist

Scotch Mist

Scotch Whisky, Scorza di limone

whisky colawhisky cola

Whisky Cola

Whisky Cola

Scotch Whisky, Cola, Lime

godfather in environmentgodfather in environment



Scotch Whisky, Amaretto, Scorza d’arancia

whisky and brandy against white backgroundwhisky and brandy against white background

Whisky And Brandy

Whisky And Brandy

Cognac, Scotch Whisky, Triple Sec, Amari, Scorza di limone

blue blazer against white backgroundblue blazer against white background

Blue Blazer

Blue Blazer

Scotch Whisky, Acqua bollente, Zucchero bruno, Limone

morning glory against white backgroundmorning glory against white background

Morning Glory

Morning Glory

Scotch Whisky, Gin, Succo di limone, Albume, Crème de Menthe, Bianca

criollo against white backgroundcriollo against white background



Scotch Whisky, Porto rosso, Pimm’s No. 1 Cup, Succo d’uva, Scorza di limone, Ciliegia al maraschino

venetian beauty against white backgroundvenetian beauty against white background

Venetian Beauty

Venetian Beauty

Scotch Whisky, Cherry Brandy, Sherry, Ciliegia al maraschino, Ananas

hole in one against white backgroundhole in one against white background

Hole In One

Hole In One

Scotch Whisky, Vermut Secco, Succo di limone, Bitter all’arancia

bunny hug against white backgroundbunny hug against white background

Bunny Hug

Bunny Hug

Gin, Scotch Whisky, Pastis

prince, italian against white backgroundprince, italian against white background

Prince, Italian

Prince, Italian

Scotch Whisky, Vermut dolce, Campari, Arancia

wilma against white backgroundwilma against white background



Vermut Secco, Gin, Scotch Whisky, Absolut Raspberri