Bebidas y cócteles con Cerveza

Shakespeare dijo: "A quart of ale is a dish for a king" (Dos pintas de cerveza es un plato para un rey). Hay una gran abundancia de formas y colores de cerveza. No tiene por qué provenir de las Islas Británicas, la cerveza también se produce en la India, los EE. UU. y Bélgica, entre otros países.

absolut kreuzberger schraubeabsolut kreuzberger schraube

Absolut Kreuzberger Schraube

Absolut Kreuzberger Schraube

Absolut Vodka, Licor de Hierbas , Pepino, Naranja, Lima, Hoja de Menta, Ginger-ale

bermuda highball against white backgroundbermuda highball against white background

Bermuda Highball

Bermuda Highball

Coñac, Ginebra, Vermú Seco, Ginger-ale, Limón

on the lawn against white backgroundon the lawn against white background

On The Lawn

On The Lawn

Ginebra, Ginger-ale, Limonada, Pimm's Nº 1 Cup, Limón, Pepino

absolut on the liloabsolut on the lilo

Absolut On the Lilo

Absolut On the Lilo

Absolut Vanilia, Zumo de Manzana, Ginger-ale, Licor de Melocotón, Lima

strange weather against white backgroundstrange weather against white background

Strange Weather

Strange Weather

Ginebra, Zumo de Limón, Licor de Melón, Ginger-ale

absolut ginger tea against white backgroundabsolut ginger tea against white background

Absolut Ginger Tea

Absolut Ginger Tea

Absolut Wild Tea, Ginger-ale, Zumo de Lima, Lima

absolut wild muleabsolut wild mule

Absolut Wild Mule

Absolut Wild Mule

Absolut Wild Tea, Ginger-ale, Zumo de Lima, Lima

double vision against white backgrounddouble vision against white background

Double Vision

Double Vision

Absolut Citron, Absolut Kurant, Zumo Prensado de Manzana Fresca, Zumo de Limón, Falernum, Bíter, Sirope de Manzana Verde

night cap against white backgroundnight cap against white background

Night Cap

Night Cap

Coñac, Almíbar, Cerveza

the thanksgiving punch against white backgroundthe thanksgiving punch against white background

The Thanksgiving Punch

The Thanksgiving Punch

Zumo de Arándano, Limonada, Ginger-ale, Limón

stiff upper lip in environmentstiff upper lip in environment

Stiff Upper Lip

Stiff Upper Lip

Absolut Elyx, Té, Lillet Blanco, Licor de Melocotón, Zumo de Limón, Ginger-ale, Limón, Hoja de Menta

sleepy head against white backgroundsleepy head against white background

Sleepy Head

Sleepy Head

Coñac, Ginger-ale, Hoja de Menta, Naranja