Bebidas y cócteles degustación Dulce

¿Quieres un postre o te basta con algo que sepa a caramelo? Prueba el ABSOLUT Chocolate Masked Martini. Si querías algo dulce, te dejará satisfecho.

absolut chocolate martini in environmentabsolut chocolate martini in environment

Absolut Chocolate Martini

Absolut Chocolate Martini

Absolut Vodka, Licor de Chocolate Blanco, "crème de Menthe" (blanca), Chocolate

summer seen against white backgroundsummer seen against white background

Summer Seen

Summer Seen

Ron Blanco, Zumo de Mango, Zumo de Piña, Refresco de Lima, Curaçao Azul, Zumo de Limón, Mango

absolut juice apple and tonic against white backgroundabsolut juice apple and tonic against white background

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple, Tónica, Manzana

hunk martini in environmenthunk martini in environment

Hunk Martini

Hunk Martini

Absolut Vanilia, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Zumo de Piña

lumumba against white backgroundlumumba against white background



Coñac, Leche, Licor de Chocolate

godfather in environmentgodfather in environment



Whisky Escocés, Amaretto, Peladura de naranja

raspberry mule in environmentraspberry mule in environment

Raspberry Mule

Raspberry Mule

Absolut Raspberri, Ginger Beer, Zumo de Lima, Frambuesa, Limón

malibu sherbet against white backgroundmalibu sherbet against white background

Malibu Sherbet

Malibu Sherbet

Malibú, Curaçao de Naranja, Zumo de Pomelo

winter milk against white backgroundwinter milk against white background

Winter Milk

Winter Milk

Brandy, Leche, Sirope de Arce

zoom against white backgroundzoom against white background



Coñac, Nata, Miel Líquida

the royal palm cocktail against white backgroundthe royal palm cocktail against white background

The Royal Palm Cocktail

The Royal Palm Cocktail

Ron de Vainilla, Licor de Plátano, Vainilla

absolut babe against white backgroundabsolut babe against white background

Absolut Babe

Absolut Babe

Absolut Vanilia, Curaçao Azul, Granadina

madeira flip against white backgroundmadeira flip against white background

Madeira Flip

Madeira Flip

Madeira, Almíbar, Yema de Huevo

havana club against white backgroundhavana club against white background

Havana Club

Havana Club

Vermú Seco, Ron Blanco, Cereza Al Maraschino

parade of passionparade of passion

Parade of Passion

Parade of Passion

Absolut Karnival Edition, Zumo de Manzana, Zumo de Granada

cocuba against white backgroundcocuba against white background



Malibú, Ron Blanco, Licor de Cacao Blanco, Licor de Avellana

gaelic coffee against white backgroundgaelic coffee against white background

Gaelic Coffee

Gaelic Coffee

Whisky Escocés, Café, Almíbar, Nata

pink lemonade against white backgroundpink lemonade against white background

Pink Lemonade

Pink Lemonade

Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Bíter, Soda

extrakt apple shot  against white backgroundextrakt apple shot  against white background

Extrakt Apple Shot

Extrakt Apple Shot

Absolut Extrakt, Zumo de Manzana, Manzana

apollo against white backgroundapollo against white background



Bourbon, Nata, Kahlúa, Cereza Al Maraschino

rum toddy buttered against white backgroundrum toddy buttered against white background

Rum Toddy Buttered

Rum Toddy Buttered

Ron Oscuro Jamaicano, Miel Líquida, Mantequilla, Agua Hirviendo

hazelnut martini against white backgroundhazelnut martini against white background

Hazelnut Martini

Hazelnut Martini

Absolut Vodka, Licor de Avellana, Licor de Cacao Blanco

golden shot in environmentgolden shot in environment

Golden Shot

Golden Shot

Absolut Vodka, Whisky/licor de Miel , Licor de Crema

silk stocking against white backgroundsilk stocking against white background

Silk Stocking

Silk Stocking

Tequila Blanco, Licor de Cacao Blanco, Nata, Granadina, Canela