Bebidas y cócteles servidos en Copa de vino

Esta copa tiene más usos que el que su nombre indica. Es perfecta para bebidas heladas, refrescos de vino y algunas bebidas con champán, entre otras. Las hay de medidas muy distintas, pero el mejor volumen para las bebidas elaboradas es entre 230 y 325 mililitros. Puedes utilizar esta copa para servir Absolut Hot Sweet and Spicy o margaritas helados.

orange breeze against white backgroundorange breeze against white background

Orange Breeze

Orange Breeze

Absolut Mandrin, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Arándano, Triple Seco, Naranja

calypso coffee de lux against white backgroundcalypso coffee de lux against white background

Calypso Coffee de Lux

Calypso Coffee de Lux

Ron Añejo Cubano, Café, Nata, Licor de Cacao Negro

absolut juice apple and soda in environmentabsolut juice apple and soda in environment

Absolut Juice Apple and Soda

Absolut Juice Apple and Soda

Absolut Juice Apple, Soda, Manzana

passion for days in environmentpassion for days in environment

Passion for days

Passion for days

Absolut Passionfruit, Zumo de Mango, Zumo de Lima, Soda de Lima-limón, Lima, Piña

absolut juice strawberry and tonic against white backgroundabsolut juice strawberry and tonic against white background

Absolut Juice Strawberry and Tonic

Absolut Juice Strawberry and Tonic

Absolut Juice Strawberry, Tónica, Fresa

prairie oyster no. 1 against white backgroundprairie oyster no. 1 against white background

Prairie Oyster NO. 1

Prairie Oyster NO. 1

Coñac, Salsa Inglesa, Zumo de Tomate, Salsa Picante, Yema de Huevo

absolut juice apple and tonic against white backgroundabsolut juice apple and tonic against white background

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple and Tonic

Absolut Juice Apple, Tónica, Manzana

tequila fix against white backgroundtequila fix against white background

Tequila Fix

Tequila Fix

Tequila reposado, Zumo de Lima, Miel Líquida, Curaçao de Naranja, Lima

virgin pina colada against white backgroundvirgin pina colada against white background

Virgin Pina Colada

Virgin Pina Colada

Zumo de Piña, Crema de Coco, Piña, Cereza Al Maraschino

absolut sangria rosada against white backgroundabsolut sangria rosada against white background

Absolut Sangria Rosada

Absolut Sangria Rosada

Absolut Cilantro, Vino Espumoso, Zumo de Granada, Zumo de Lima, Naranja

claret punch against white backgroundclaret punch against white background

Claret Punch

Claret Punch

Zumo de Limón, Curaçao de Naranja, Almíbar, Vino Tinto, Naranja, Grosella, Fresa

polish spring punch against white backgroundpolish spring punch against white background

Polish Spring Punch

Polish Spring Punch

Absolut Vodka, Licor de Frambuesa, Licor de Frambuesa Negra, Zumo de Limón, Champán, Mora

don juan piña colada banana against white backgrounddon juan piña colada banana against white background

Don Juan Piña Colada Banana

Don Juan Piña Colada Banana

Ron Blanco, Zumo de Piña, Licor de Cacao, Plátano

gaelic coffee against white backgroundgaelic coffee against white background

Gaelic Coffee

Gaelic Coffee

Whisky Escocés, Café, Almíbar, Nata

passion plays in environmentpassion plays in environment

Passion Plays

Passion Plays

Absolut Passionfruit, Lillet Rose, Refresco de Saúco, Tónica

tequila sunrise classic against white backgroundtequila sunrise classic against white background

Tequila Sunrise classic

Tequila Sunrise classic

Tequila Blanco, Granadina, Zumo de Lima, Soda, Lima

papaya sling against white backgroundpapaya sling against white background

Papaya Sling

Papaya Sling

Ginebra, Zumo de Lima, Zumo de Papaya, Bíter, Soda

russian coffee against white backgroundrussian coffee against white background

Russian Coffee

Russian Coffee

Absolut Vodka, Café, Vino Tinto, Almíbar

tropical colada against white backgroundtropical colada against white background

Tropical Colada

Tropical Colada

Zumo de Piña, Crema de Coco, Zumo de Lima, Piña

virgin peach margarita in environmentvirgin peach margarita in environment

Virgin Peach Margarita

Virgin Peach Margarita

Zumo de Lima, Sirope de Melocotón, Licor de Melocotón, Lima

kaffee advokat against white backgroundkaffee advokat against white background

Kaffee Advokat

Kaffee Advokat

Café, Licor de Huevo, Nata, Grano de Café

orang-a-tang in environmentorang-a-tang in environment



Absolut Vodka, Ron de Naranja, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Lima, Triple Seco, Granadina, Naranja

whiskey slingwhiskey sling

Whiskey Sling

Whiskey Sling

Bourbon, Zumo de Limón, Agua, Almíbar, Peladura de limón

hot himalaya express against white backgroundhot himalaya express against white background

Hot Himalaya Express

Hot Himalaya Express

Licor de Avellana, Nata, Crema de Coco, Licor de Vainilla, Café