Bebidas y cócteles servidos en Taza de Mula

El beneficio más científico de usar tazas de metal es la temperatura. Durante siglos, los mejores cócteleros han sabido que las bebidas refrigeradas en vasos de metal ofrecen una sensación extra-fresca, debido a que la taza toma rápidamente la temperatura helada del cóctel.

extrakt hot chocolate against white backgroundextrakt hot chocolate against white background

Extrakt Hot Chocolate

Extrakt Hot Chocolate

Absolut Extrakt, Chocolate caliente

new york mule against white backgroundnew york mule against white background

New York Mule

New York Mule

Absolut Citron, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Limón, Lima

raspberry mule against white backgroundraspberry mule against white background

Raspberry Mule

Raspberry Mule

Absolut Elyx, Fresh Homemade Raspberry Cordial, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Frambuesa

pear and elderflower mule  in environmentpear and elderflower mule  in environment

Pear and Elderflower Mule

Pear and Elderflower Mule

Absolut Juice Pear and Elderflower, Ginger-ale, Limonada, Bíter, Lima

absolut mandrin mule in environmentabsolut mandrin mule in environment

Absolut Mandrin Mule

Absolut Mandrin Mule

Absolut Mandrin, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Lima, Naranja

spicy absolut mulespicy absolut mule

Spicy Absolut Mule

Spicy Absolut Mule

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Lima, Salsa Picante, Ginger Beer, Lima

fraise prince of bel air in environmentfraise prince of bel air in environment

Fraise Prince Of Bel Air

Fraise Prince Of Bel Air

Absolut Elyx, Ginger Beer, Suze, Zumo de Limón, Fresa, Albahaca

elyx bloody mary in environmentelyx bloody mary in environment

Elyx Bloody Mary

Elyx Bloody Mary

Absolut Elyx, Zumo de Tomate, Salsa Inglesa, Salsa Picante, Zumo de Limón, Sal de apio, Pimienta Negra Molida, Apio, Limón, Tomate Cherry

absolut ruby mule against white backgroundabsolut ruby mule against white background

Absolut Ruby Mule

Absolut Ruby Mule

Absolut Ruby Red, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Pomelo

absolut berri mule against white backgroundabsolut berri mule against white background

Absolut Berri Mule

Absolut Berri Mule

Absolut Berri Açaí, Ginger Beer, Arándano, Fresa

absolut vanilia mule in environmentabsolut vanilia mule in environment

Absolut Vanilia Mule

Absolut Vanilia Mule

Absolut Vanilia, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Vainilla, Lima

conference call in environmentconference call in environment

Conference Call

Conference Call

Absolut Elyx, Concentrado de Pera, Zumo de Lima, Licor de Saúco, Ginger Beer, Pera

water's edge in environmentwater's edge in environment

Water's Edge

Water's Edge

Absolut Elyx, Zumo de sandía, Zumo de Piña, Zumo de Lima, Sal, Melón

absolut citron mule in environmentabsolut citron mule in environment

Absolut Citron Mule

Absolut Citron Mule

Absolut Citron, Ginger Beer, Zumo de Lima, Lima, Hoja de Menta

jingle mule in environmentjingle mule in environment

Jingle Mule

Jingle Mule

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Arándano, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Arándano

absolut peach mule in environmentabsolut peach mule in environment

Absolut Peach Mule

Absolut Peach Mule

Absolut Apeach, Ginger Beer, Zumo de Lima, Melocotón