1 ½ Parts Scotch Whisky45 ml Scotch Whisky1.5 oz Scotch Whisky
½ Parts Port, Red15 ml Port, Red0.5 oz Port, Red
2 Dashes Pimms Cup no 12 Dashes Pimms Cup no 12 Dashes Pimms Cup no 1
2 Dashes Grape Juice2 Dashes Grape Juice2 Dashes Grape Juice
1 Twist Lemon Zest1 Twist Lemon Zest1 Twist Lemon Zest
1 Whole Maraschino Berry1 Whole Maraschino Berry1 Whole Maraschino Berry
How to make a Criollo
Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Stir and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon zest and a maraschino berry.