Drinks und Cocktails mit brauner Jamaika-rum

Der braune Rum aus Jamaika kann eine helle bis dunklere goldene Farbe haben. Viele beliebte Cocktails enthalten braunen Rum, er sollte also auf deiner Erstausstattungsliste nicht fehlen.

Go to Huntsman, The
huntsman the

Huntsman, The

Absolut Vodka, brauner Jamaika-rum, Limettensaft

Go to Kamaniwanalaya


brauner Jamaika-rum, Leichter Rum, Ananassaft, Amaretto

Go to Kingston


brauner Jamaika-rum, Gin, Limettensaft, Zuckersirup

Go to Treacle


brauner Jamaika-rum, Zuckersirup, Apfelsaft, Würzbitter, Zitronenschalen

Go to Hurricane Marlyn
hurricane marlyn

Hurricane Marlyn

Kanadischer Whisky, brauner Jamaika-rum, Leichter Rum, Cranberrysaft (gesüßt), Guavensaft, Triple Sec, Zitronensaft, Grenadine

Go to Jamaican Wonder
jamaican wonder

Jamaican Wonder

brauner Jamaika-rum, Kahlúa, Limettensaft, Würzbitter

Go to Ocho Rios
ocho rios

Ocho Rios

brauner Jamaika-rum, Guavensaft, Sahne, Limettensaft, Zuckersirup

Go to Cobra’s Fang
cobras fang

Cobra’s Fang

brauner Jamaika-rum, Overproof Rum, Falernum, Limettensaft, Orangensaft, Würzbitter, Grenadine

Go to Jamaican Duster
jamaican duster

Jamaican Duster

brauner Jamaika-rum, Kahlúa, Ananassaft

Go to Smiling Through
smiling through

Smiling Through

brauner Jamaika-rum, Maraschino-likör, Triple Sec, Grenadine, Zitronensaft

Go to Embassy Cocktail
embassy cocktail

Embassy Cocktail

Weinbrand, brauner Jamaika-rum, Limettensaft, Triple Sec

Go to Continental


Roggen-whiskey, brauner Jamaika-rum, Zitronensaft, Sahne

Cocktailrezepte nach zutaten

Go to Absolut Vodka
absolut vodka

Absolut Vodka

535 Cocktails

Go to Tomatensaft
tomato juice


23 Cocktails

Go to Brombeere


26 Cocktails

Go to Triple Sec
triple sec

Triple Sec

305 Cocktails

Go to Espresso


9 Cocktails

Go to Ananas


87 Cocktails

A tray with three Grapefruit Espresso Martinis

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Die zehn besten Drinks für jeden Anlass

Go to Espresso Martini
3 Espresso Martini cocktails made with Absolut Vodka,  on a table garnished with a coffee bean

Espresso Martini

Eiswürfel, Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa, Espresso, Kaffeebohne

Go to Lemon Drop
lemon drop

Lemon Drop

Eiswürfel, Absolut Citron, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Zitrone

Go to Cosmopolitan
Colorful 80s-inspired image of a three Cosmopolitan cocktails in three cocktail glasses, each garnished with a


Eiswürfel, Absolut Citron, Triple Sec, Limettensaft, Cranberrysaft (gesüßt), Orangenschale

Go to Bloody Mary
Two traditional Bloody Mary cocktails on a chopping board with a bottle of Absolut Vodka

Bloody Mary

Absolut Vodka, Tomatensaft, Zitronensaft, Tabasco, Worcestershire-sauce, Gemahlener Schwarzer Pfeffer, Knoblauchsalz, Zitrone, Sellerie

Go to Mojito


Eiswürfel, Leichter Rum, Limettensaft, Minze, feinen Zucker, Sodawasser

Go to White Russian
Two White Russian Cocktails made with Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa and Cream. In the background is a bottle of Absolut Vodka and in the foreground is a TV remote control.

White Russian

Eiswürfel, Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa, Sahne

Go to Appletini
Two classic Appletini cocktails on a serving tray with a bottle of Absolut Vodka, the Appletini is made with Absolut Vodka, Lemon Juice
Simple Syrup, Apple Liqueur, Apple Juice and is garnished with a fresh slice of Green Apple.


Eiswürfel, Absolut Vodka, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Apfellikör, Apfelsaft

Go to Long Island Iced Tea
3 Long Island Iced Tea cocktails each in a tall glass with lots of ice, sitting on a metal tray with a bottle of Absolut Vodka in the background.

Long Island Iced Tea

Eiswürfel, Absolut Vodka, Leichter Rum, Gin, Tequila Blanco, Zitronensaft, Triple Sec, Cola, Zitrone

Go to Amaretto Sour
amaretto sour

Amaretto Sour

Eiswürfel, Amaretto, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Eiweiß, Kirsche, Orange

Go to Moscow Mule
moscow mule

Moscow Mule

Eiswürfel, Absolut Vodka, Limettensaft, Ginger Beer, Limette