Drinks und Cocktails mit Vodka

Vodka is a clear, distilled spirit that originates from the countries within the “Vodka Belt” of Europe. Traditionally, Vodka is made from fermented and distilled cereal grains, and in our case, winter wheat from the fields surrounding Åhus. In home bartending, Vodka is used to make famous drinks like the Cosmopolitan, Moscow Mule, Bloody Mary, and White Russian among many other modern classics.

mango caiprinoshka against white backgroundmango caiprinoshka against white background

Mango Caiprinoshka

Mango Caiprinoshka

Absolut Äpple, Zuckersirup, Limette, Mango

crystal cosmo against white backgroundcrystal cosmo against white background

Crystal Cosmo

Crystal Cosmo

Absolut Citron, Weißer Cranberry-saft, Triple Sec, Limette

absolut peppar daiquiri against white backgroundabsolut peppar daiquiri against white background

Absolut Peppar Daiquiri

Absolut Peppar Daiquiri

Absolut Peppar, Limettensaft, Zuckersirup, Erdbeere

black pepper against white backgroundblack pepper against white background

Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Absolut Peppar, Cola, Zitrone

absolut irisabsolut iris

Absolut Iris

Absolut Iris

Absolut Vodka, Triple Sec, Limettensaft, Zitronensaft, Orange Bitter, Würzbitter

basil and pineapple martini against white backgroundbasil and pineapple martini against white background

Basil And Pineapple Martini

Basil And Pineapple Martini

Absolut Vodka, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Ananas, Basilikum

absolut cilantro paloma against white backgroundabsolut cilantro paloma against white background

Absolut Cilantro Paloma

Absolut Cilantro Paloma

Absolut Cilantro, Grapefruitsaft, Limettensaft, Grapefruitlimonade, Grapefruit

beverly hills iced tea in environmentbeverly hills iced tea in environment

Beverly Hills Iced Tea

Beverly Hills Iced Tea

Absolut Vodka, Gin, Limettensaft, Zuckersirup, Champagner, Limette

absolut kurant apple cooler against white backgroundabsolut kurant apple cooler against white background

Absolut Kurant Apple Cooler

Absolut Kurant Apple Cooler

Absolut Kurant, Apfelsaft, Sodawasser, Brombeerlikör, Limette

autumn wood against white backgroundautumn wood against white background

Autumn Wood

Autumn Wood

Absolut Vodka, Chartreuse Gelb, Maraschino-kirsche

road streaker against white backgroundroad streaker against white background

Road Streaker

Road Streaker

Absolut Vodka, Sahne, Pfirsichlikör, Kahlúa, Haselnusslikör

absolut sweet grapes against white backgroundabsolut sweet grapes against white background

Absolut Sweet Grapes

Absolut Sweet Grapes

Absolut Pears, Weintraube, Basilikum, feinen Zucker

eighth wonder in environmenteighth wonder in environment

Eighth Wonder

Eighth Wonder

Absolut Vodka, Zitronensaft, Kahlúa, Eiweiß, Zuckersirup, Triple Sec, Maraschino-kirsche

sunstroke against white backgroundsunstroke against white background



Absolut Vodka, Grapefruitsaft, Triple Sec

absolut ginger against white backgroundabsolut ginger against white background

Absolut Ginger

Absolut Ginger

Absolut Vodka, Zitrone, Ingwer (gerieben), feinen Zucker, Ingwer

golden tear against white backgroundgolden tear against white background

Golden Tear

Golden Tear

Absolut Citron, Trockener Wermut, Zimtlikör, Zitrone, Orange

the cotton against white backgroundthe cotton against white background

The Cotton

The Cotton

Absolut 100, Cranberrysaft, Grapefruitsaft, Limette

absolut hibiskus cosmo against white backgroundabsolut hibiskus cosmo against white background

Absolut Hibiskus Cosmo

Absolut Hibiskus Cosmo

Absolut Hibiskus, Cranberrysaft, Triple Sec, Limettensaft, Orange

absolut rickey against white backgroundabsolut rickey against white background

Absolut Rickey

Absolut Rickey

Absolut Vodka, Limettensaft, Sodawasser, Limette

absolut hibiskus and cranberry juice against white backgroundabsolut hibiskus and cranberry juice against white background

Absolut Hibiskus and Cranberry Juice

Absolut Hibiskus and Cranberry Juice

Absolut Hibiskus, Cranberrysaft, Limette

absolut kurant noir against white backgroundabsolut kurant noir against white background

Absolut Kurant Noir

Absolut Kurant Noir

Absolut Kurant, Schokoladenlikör, Maraschino-kirsche

sloe dancer against white backgroundsloe dancer against white background

Sloe Dancer

Sloe Dancer

Absolut Vodka, Bourbon, Mit Pfirsichgeschmack, Orangensaft, Orange

san francisco against white backgroundsan francisco against white background

San Francisco

San Francisco

Absolut Vodka, Orangensaft, Ananassaft, Triple Sec, Bananenlikör, Grenadine, Ananas

absolut eastwind against white backgroundabsolut eastwind against white background

Absolut Eastwind

Absolut Eastwind

Absolut Kurant, Trockener Wermut, Wermut, Süß, Zitrone

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