Drinks und Cocktails mit Brandy

Brandy is a wide term for liquor distilled from wine or pomace. The Brandy family includes Cognac, Armagnac, Calvados, and Grappa as well as many other regional varieties from around the world. In home bartending, we use Brandy to make classic cocktails like the Sidecar, Vieux Carré and Brandy Crusta.

nice pear against white backgroundnice pear against white background

Nice Pear

Nice Pear

Weinbrand, Wermut, Süß, Williams-birnenlikör, Birne

fallen leaves against white backgroundfallen leaves against white background

Fallen Leaves

Fallen Leaves

Trockener Wermut, Cognac, Calvados, Wermut, Süß, Zitronenschalen

la douce against white backgroundla douce against white background

la Douce

la Douce

Aprikosenbrand, Schottischer Whisky, St. Raphael, Zitronensaft, Orangensaft

rum punch against white backgroundrum punch against white background

Rum Punch

Rum Punch

Leichter Rum, Cognac, Zitronensaft, Orangensaft, Ananassaft, Zuckersirup, Orange

iron man against white backgroundiron man against white background

Iron Man

Iron Man

Roggen-whiskey, Aprikosenbrand, Absolut Vodka

montana against white backgroundmontana against white background



Cognac, Trockener Wermut, Portwein, Weiß, Anislikör, Würzbitter

flaming flamingo against white backgroundflaming flamingo against white background

Flaming Flamingo

Flaming Flamingo

Cognac, Grüner Minzlikör, Triple Sec

red shadow against white backgroundred shadow against white background

Red Shadow

Red Shadow

Roggen-whiskey, Aprikosenbrand, Kirschbrand, Zitronensaft

brandy cocktail against white backgroundbrandy cocktail against white background

Brandy Cocktail

Brandy Cocktail

Cognac, Zuckersirup, Würzbitter, Zitronenschalen

brandy sour against white backgroundbrandy sour against white background

Brandy Sour

Brandy Sour

Cognac, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Eiweiß, Zitrone, Kirsche

yolanda against white backgroundyolanda against white background



Cognac, Gin, Grenadine, Pastis

coctel nacional against white backgroundcoctel nacional against white background

Coctel Nacional

Coctel Nacional

Leichter Rum, Aprikosenbrand, Ananassaft, Zitronensaft, Ananas

milk punch against white backgroundmilk punch against white background

Milk Punch

Milk Punch

Cognac, Orangen-rum, Milch, Sahne, Vanillesirup, Muskatnuss

frozen aquavit against white backgroundfrozen aquavit against white background

Frozen Aquavit

Frozen Aquavit

Aquavit, Limettensaft, Kirschbrand, Eiweiß, Zuckersirup

aniversario against white backgroundaniversario against white background



Cognac, Gin, Trockener Wermut, Pfirsichnektar, Wermut, Süß

nightmare against white backgroundnightmare against white background



Gin, Dubonnet, Kirschbrand, Orangensaft

saucy suesaucy sue

Saucy Sue

Saucy Sue

Aprikosenbrand, Calvados, Anislikör

harbour light against white backgroundharbour light against white background

Harbour Light

Harbour Light

Tequila Blanco, Cognac, Overproof Rum, Kahlúa

sledge hammer against white backgroundsledge hammer against white background

Sledge Hammer

Sledge Hammer

Cognac, Leichter Rum, Calvados, Pastis

elegant lady against white backgroundelegant lady against white background

Elegant Lady

Elegant Lady

Gin, Orangenschnaps, Limettensaft, Eiweiß, Orgeat (mandelsirup)

bulldog against white backgroundbulldog against white background



Leichter Rum, Kirschbrand, Limettensaft

cigar lover’s martini against white backgroundcigar lover’s martini against white background

Cigar Lover’s Martini

Cigar Lover’s Martini

Cognac, Portwein, Rot, Orange

frankenstein against white backgroundfrankenstein against white background



Trockener Wermut, Gin, Aprikosenbrand, Triple Sec, Maraschino-kirsche

nutcracker against white backgroundnutcracker against white background



Cognac, Kokoslikör, Zitronensaft, Ananassaft, Triple Sec

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