Drinks und Cocktails mit Absolut Vodka

Absolut Vodka besitzt einen vollen Geschmack, ist geschmeidig und samtig mit dem unverwechselbaren Charakter des Getreides. Absolut Vodka ist pur und eiskalt ein Genuss, aber auch On-the-Rocks oder als Basis von Hunderten von Drinks und Cocktails.

pioneer against white backgroundpioneer against white background



Absolut Vodka, Orange Curaçao, Whisky-/Honig-Likör

murry hearn against white backgroundmurry hearn against white background

Murry Hearn

Murry Hearn

Absolut Vodka, Orangensaft, Sahne, Galliano, Triple Sec, Orange

absolut kiwi shooter against white backgroundabsolut kiwi shooter against white background

Absolut Kiwi Shooter

Absolut Kiwi Shooter

Absolut Vodka, Kiwi

sweety darling against white backgroundsweety darling against white background

Sweety Darling

Sweety Darling

Absolut Vodka, Apfelsaft, Frisch Gepresst, Vanillelikör, Apfel

recall against white backgroundrecall against white background



Absolut Vodka, Aprikosenbrand, Orangensaft, Grenadine, Passionsfruchtsirup, Apfel, Kiwi, Maraschino-kirsche, Minze

evita against white backgroundevita against white background



Absolut Vodka, Orangensaft, Limettensaft, Melonenlikör, Zuckersirup

factory fizz against white backgroundfactory fizz against white background

Factory Fizz

Factory Fizz

Absolut Vodka, Tonic Water, Grapefruit

absolut blueyabsolut bluey

Absolut Bluey

Absolut Bluey

Absolut Vodka, Limettensaft, Orgeat (mandelsirup), Blue Curaçao, Ingwer, Minze

copenheering against white backgroundcopenheering against white background



Absolut Vodka, Kirschlikör, Zitronensaft

absolut one source against white backgroundabsolut one source against white background

Absolut One Source

Absolut One Source

Absolut Vodka, Apfelsaft, Frisch Gepresst, Kochendes Wasser, Honig, Zitronensaft, Sodawasser, Zitrone

vostoc v in environmentvostoc v in environment

Vostoc V

Vostoc V

Absolut Vodka, Triple Sec, Zitronensaft, Zitronenschalen

chi-chi in environmentchi-chi in environment



Absolut Vodka, Ananassaft, Sahne, Ananas

russian secret against white backgroundrussian secret against white background

Russian Secret

Russian Secret

Absolut Vodka, Grapefruitsaft, Pimm's Cup No. 1

la manga against white backgroundla manga against white background

la Manga

la Manga

Absolut Vodka, Kirschbrand, Wermut, Süß, Orange

iguana against white backgroundiguana against white background



Absolut Vodka, Tequila Blanco, Kahlúa

pompanski martini against white backgroundpompanski martini against white background

Pompanski Martini

Pompanski Martini

Absolut Vodka, Trockener Wermut, Grapefruitsaft, Zuckersirup, Triple Sec

monza against white backgroundmonza against white background



Absolut Vodka, Apfelsaft, Campari, Maracujasaft, Zuckersirup

absolut celebration against white backgroundabsolut celebration against white background

Absolut Celebration

Absolut Celebration

Absolut Vodka, Heidelbeersirup, Champagner

talisman against white backgroundtalisman against white background



gereifter kubanischer Rum, Leichter Rum, Absolut Vodka, Limettensaft, Triple Sec, Birne

two inches of cucumber against white backgroundtwo inches of cucumber against white background

Two Inches of Cucumber

Two Inches of Cucumber

Absolut Vodka, Triple Sec, Zuckersirup, Gurke, Zitrone

absolut pomegranate julep against white backgroundabsolut pomegranate julep against white background

Absolut Pomegranate Julep

Absolut Pomegranate Julep

Absolut Vodka, Granatapfelsaft, Grapefruitsaft, Honig, Minze

absolut pepper laced heart against white backgroundabsolut pepper laced heart against white background

Absolut Pepper Laced Heart

Absolut Pepper Laced Heart

Absolut Vodka, Erdbeer-Pfefferkorn-Sirup, Zitronensaft

pasha’s pleasure against white backgroundpasha’s pleasure against white background

Pasha’s Pleasure

Pasha’s Pleasure

Absolut Vodka, Eau de Vie, Sahne, Kahlúa

nino's special against white backgroundnino's special against white background

Nino's Special

Nino's Special

Absolut Vodka, Kirschlikör, Orangensaft, Grenadine, Zitronensaft, Maraschino-kirsche

Registriere dich für wöchentliche Mix-Tipps und Rezepte parallax background

Registriere dich für wöchentliche Mix-Tipps und Rezepte