Drinks und Cocktails in einem Rocks-Glas

Dieses gerade, kurze Glas wird manchmal auch als Old-Fashioned Glass oder einfach Whiskyglas bezeichnet. Es fasst etwa 200 ml und wird für kurze Drinks und pur ausgeschenkte Spirituosen "on the rocks", also auf Eis verwendet. Daher der Name. Und weißt du, welcher Drink sich hervorragend in deinem Rocks-Glas macht? Der ABSOLUT Vodka Gimlet

the cotton against white backgroundthe cotton against white background

The Cotton

The Cotton

Absolut 100, Cranberrysaft, Grapefruitsaft, Limette

mazzagran against white backgroundmazzagran against white background



Cognac, Maraschino-likör, Zuckersirup, Würzbitter, Kaffee, Kalt

hedgerow sling against white backgroundhedgerow sling against white background

Hedgerow Sling

Hedgerow Sling

Schlehensaft, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup, Brombeerlikör, Minze

coney island against white backgroundconey island against white background

Coney Island

Coney Island

Cognac, Milch, Haselnusslikör

orange smile against white backgroundorange smile against white background

Orange Smile

Orange Smile

Orangensaft, Grenadine, Ei

absolut eastwind against white backgroundabsolut eastwind against white background

Absolut Eastwind

Absolut Eastwind

Absolut Kurant, Trockener Wermut, Wermut, Süß, Zitrone

marvin against white backgroundmarvin against white background



Cognac, Aprikosenbrand, Pfirsichbitter, Orange

rye punch against white backgroundrye punch against white background

Rye Punch

Rye Punch

Roggen-whiskey, Zitronensaft, Zuckersirup

port cobbler against white backgroundport cobbler against white background

Port Cobbler

Port Cobbler

Portwein, Rot, Orange Curaçao, Minze

arcadia against white backgroundarcadia against white background



Bourbon, Campari, Wermut, Süß, Orange

sky club against white backgroundsky club against white background

Sky Club

Sky Club

Bourbon, brauner Jamaika-rum, Orangensaft

whiskey sour in the rough against white backgroundwhiskey sour in the rough against white background

Whiskey Sour In The Rough

Whiskey Sour In The Rough

Bourbon, Zitronensaft, Orangensaft, Zuckersirup

highland fresh against white backgroundhighland fresh against white background

Highland Fresh

Highland Fresh

Absolut Vodka, Limettensaft, Zuckersirup, Eiweiß, Erdbeere, Brombeere, Minze

absolut agua frescaabsolut agua fresca

Absolut Agua Fresca

Absolut Agua Fresca

Zuckersirup, Limettensaft, Melone, Koriander

absolut vanilia coffee against white backgroundabsolut vanilia coffee against white background

Absolut Vanilia Coffee

Absolut Vanilia Coffee

Absolut Vanilia, Kaffee, Sahne

apple pilar against white backgroundapple pilar against white background

Apple Pilar

Apple Pilar

Apfelsaft, Zuckersirup, Minze, Ginger Ale

absolut hot smith against white backgroundabsolut hot smith against white background

Absolut Hot Smith

Absolut Hot Smith

Absolut Peppar, Erdbeersaft, Erdbeere

pineapple cobbler against white backgroundpineapple cobbler against white background

Pineapple Cobbler

Pineapple Cobbler

Gin, Trockener Wermut, Ananassaft, Ananas

extradition against white backgroundextradition against white background



Pisco, Apfelsaft, Frisch Gepresst, Passionsfruchtsirup, Limettensaft, Erdbeere

island dream against white backgroundisland dream against white background

Island Dream

Island Dream

Leichter Rum, Grenadine, Zitronensaft, Orangensaft, Orange Curaçao, Maraschino-kirsche, Orange

brazilian berry against white backgroundbrazilian berry against white background

Brazilian Berry

Brazilian Berry

Cachaça, Weißwein, schwarzer Johannisbeerlikör, Schwarze Johannisbeere, Minze, Himbeere

mule hind leg against white backgroundmule hind leg against white background

Mule Hind Leg

Mule Hind Leg

Gin, Aprikosenbrand, Calvados, Pimm's Cup No. 1, Ahornsirup

basil'n apple against white backgroundbasil'n apple against white background

Basil'n Apple

Basil'n Apple

Zitronensaft, Basilikum, Apfel, brauner Rohrzucker, Apfelsaft

absolut grcic pearspresso against white backgroundabsolut grcic pearspresso against white background

Absolut Grcic Pearspresso

Absolut Grcic Pearspresso

Absolut Pears, Espresso (kalt), feinen Zucker

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