temperance punch against white background

Temperance Punch

Succo D’uva, Succo D’arancia, Succo Di Limone, Soda

2.5 from 264 votes


Come mixare

Riempire con cubetti di ghiaccio un bicchiere highball. Aggiungere succo d’uva, succo d’arancia e succo di limone. Completare con soda. Mescolare.

'Ciò che non sai sul drink Temperance Punch

A good host or hostess thinks of everyone - don't be one of those people scrounging around in the back of the fridge for a sole diet soda. Have a plan for the non-alcholic drinks before the guests arrive. If you're prepared for mixed drinks, you've likely got a good base for making nice mocktails: juices, soft drinks, ice and fresh fruit will take you far. And experimenting is so much cheaper than with alcoholic drinks!

Valuta la ricetta

Succo D’uva Succo D’arancia Succo Di Limone Soda