l.o smith punch against white background

L.O Smith Punch

Fragola, Absolut Vodka, Succo Di Limone, Sciroppo, Soda, Fragola

3 from 38 votes


Come mixare

Pestare fragole in uno shaker boston. Aggiungere Absolut Vodka, succo di limone e sciroppo. Riempire con cubetti di ghiaccio. Agitare e versare in un bicchiere highball. Completare con soda. Decorare con un fragola.

'Ciò che non sai sul drink L.O Smith Punch

L.O Smith was the founder of ABSOLUT. At the age of ten he is said to have doubled the income at store he worked at. He went into the liquor business in his 20s and by 1879, the king of Spirits started this brand. You see his portrait on all ABSOLUT bottles, where he no doubt watches your proportions in this tribute punch. So do it right!

Valuta la ricetta

Fragola Absolut Vodka Succo Di Limone Sciroppo Soda Fragola